Chapter 2: The New Guy

Start from the beginning

“We should get to work...”

Niall pouted, “There’s literally only one customer here, why the hell did you ruin their moment, Z?!”

Louis’ face instantly heated up, “M-Moment?! For gods sake, Niall, there wasn’t a ‘moment.’”

Niall rolled his eyes, “Sure, when I meet someone, I also stare at them like i’ve been in love with them for years.”

“You little Irish fuck, you’re asking for something to be thrown at you, aren’t you?”

If there was anything Louis hated the most, it was when people accused him of being attracted to someone. Louis has had past ‘relationships’ that kind of ended up disastrous. Zayn didn’t think of them as relationships, even if Louis seemed to think so, it was more of just using each other for sex. Louis told Zayn it was just sex whenever Louis wanted it, but they weren’t allowed to have sex with other people. Of course, Louis’ other partner always found someone else to sleep with, which eventually caused Louis to give up on his so called ‘relationships’, he hadn’t had a decent one in about 8 months.

“Holy crap, Harry? What are you doing here?”

Zayn blinked, thoughts being interrupted by the mention of Harry’s name, not that Harry was all that important to him. Sure he was attractive, with those beautiful green eyes, and that insanely adorable smile. Not that Zayn noticed those things, of course he didn’t, just no.

Harry stood up and walked up to the new guy, Liam, engulfing him in a hug, “Li, you didn’t tell me you were working in this coffee shop,”

Liam pulled away and grinned, “Well, you should’ve assumed so, it was the one closest to my flat, wait a minute, is this the coffee guy?”

Harry blushed, and Zayn thought it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen, wait, what? No, just no.

“Let’s not mention that, alright?”

Louis raised an eyebrow, “You know Styles?”

Liam nodded, “We’ve been friends since we were little, he’s my best mate.”

Niall gushed, “D’aww, well isn’t that just precious?”

“Shut up you little leprechaun,”

“Louis, why do you always have to insult me?”

“Why do you always have to be girly about everything? And you call yourself straight,”

“That’s stereotyping.”

“No, it’s scientifically proven, straight men are supposed to be manly, you were born with the ‘I’m straight but I act gayer than my two gay best friends’ disorder.”

It took all of Zayn’s might not to reach over and slap the shit out of Louis, he shook his head, “You’re a complete moron, you realize that, right?”


Harry chuckled, “What a loving group of friends,”

“You get used to it over time.”

Zayn couldn’t help but agree with Louis. When he first met Louis, he wasn’t sure if his little 8-year-old self could handle him. Hell, he still can’t handle him, but even if Louis was basically insane, you couldn’t help but love him. He was used to Louis and his antics, even if Niall just joined them in their friendship, it was like he’s known them for ages, he fit right in, he loved both of them.

Harry looked at his watch and frowned, “Well, I should go…” he walked over to his spot and threw out both of the cups, one being completely untouched, he made his way toward the door, and Zayn couldn’t stop himself, he just had to know.


Harry stopped and looked over at Zayn, a smile instantly making its way on to his face, “Yes?”

Zayn cleared his throat, “I just… really want to know. Why do you always buy two cups of coffee, and never drink the other one?”

Harry raised an eyebrow, “Wow, I didn’t think you noticed that, hm,” his smile widened, “Why don’t we discuss this over dinner, say… tonight?”

“I uh—”

“Great, meet me at the restaurant across the street from here, 8ish?”

“Well, I never really—”

“Wonderful, see you then, Zayn.” Harry gave one last wink to Zayn, then left.

Louis actually burst out in laughter, it’s amazing Zayn hasn’t killed the little twat yet, it’s amazing anyone who has ever known him hadn’t killed him.

Louis wiped a tear from his eye, “My little Zaynie has a date, they grow up so fast.”

Little fucker.

A/N: Vote



I love you xx <3

Two Cups Of Coffee, Please {Zarry/Lilo}Where stories live. Discover now