What's Wrong with Mum?

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I settled down my usual spot, uncomfortable because all eyes were on me. Why is that?

Obviously, by now you can see that I hate attention.

Dad was sitting next to Mum and Bethany who sat next to me.

Sniff, sniff,

What's that weird smell? It appears to be coming from Bethany. Hang on - I know that weird smell from somewhere... My mind was ticking until I eventually clicked.


Yes! It was her home smell! I can easily recognize. It was one of those glorious smells that I'd love to sniff all day.

I breathed in the scent feeling extremely proud of myself. I am on fire!

I like that quote. I am on fire. It's different and obviously exp-

Why is everyone looking at me?

"Lee?" Mum said, her voice a quiet whisper. That's when I realized I've shouted, "Grandma" and wouldn't answer to any of their questions.

"I'm. On. Fire!" I say, letting them know why I was pleased with myself.

"What?" Dad said. If I'm not mistaken I think he just raised his eyebrow a little just then. His nose twitched too.

"Would you like water?" Mum asked in a concerned voice. I said I wouldn't mind. Mum poured everyone water in their glass and sat back down staring at her untouched food.

I took little sips and carefully watched Bethany from the corner of my eye.

Bethany who picked up the glass and then she immediately panicked and dropped it everywhere onto the floor. The glass shattered to pieces and Bethany ran upstairs.

Why was she puking?

Mum started to cry again. Dad sighed and picked up the glasses off the floor.

Me? I thought carefully... and then I got my answer. She's Robo Bethany! Obviously she's going to be afraid of water so much, she'll puke! Anyone would do the same if they're about to die.

To make matters worse, Bethany came downstairs clutching onto her stomach. She nearly fell when she saw me.

"You!" Pointed Bethany, "W-what?" She sounded really scared.

I raised my eyebrow. Bethany moved her head back, startled. Aha!

She held onto her forehead, shaking it violently. "It can't be."

"What?" I asked Bethany, confused.

"How did you move so fast? I'm sure I went past you."

I instantly thought of Robo Lee. Quickly I said I was the secret young Olympics runner. Everyone looked at me in disbelief and then I muttered, "Oops... it was meant to be a secret..."

Bethany laughed and said something's up. She was nearly going to go back up but I quickly blocked her way.

"Move." Demanded Bethany, "You're up to something, aren't you, Lee?"

"Oh? She's the one who's up to something?" Mum said, ignoring Dad's hushes, glaring at Bethany.

I gulped. I didn't want them to get into another argument.

Bethany glared right back and screamed at me to move. I knew she wanted to go to her room but still. Robo Lee could come out any second now. Maybe Bethany would hear Robo Lee.

Damn it! I can't let this happen.

I take it back now! I want Mum and Bethany to get into another argument if it'll stop her from discovering Robo Lee!


It was the doorbell! Yes! I pushed past Bethany and answered it. Bethany stomped down the stairs and sat, arms folded, on the sofa.

I think she's expecting someone...

I opened the door and - It was Steve! For once in my life, I was very happy to see him.

"Lee!" Steve said, brushing his blonde hair to the side, "Just wanna know if you're busy."

"Yes." I answered. What did he think? Obviously I was! Wouldn't anyone be? Even if it's unimportant stuff, I'm always busy!

"Oh... bad timing, sorry," Steve chuckled nervously, "Err... so you busy any other days?"

"Dunno. I mean, honestly Steve! How am I supposed to know if I'm busy in the future or not? Like, seriously! Shall I get a time machine and find out for you?"

I decided going into the future wouldn't altogether be a total chaos. Maybe it'll even be a blast! Yes... I can picture it! It's all so clear! Flying cars! Flying trains! Flying bikes! Flying pigs!

Steve laughed. "No! I mean, as in... Y'know. Just wondering if you wanna hang out?"

Bethany roared with laughter and came by my side. She nudged me one and then said, "Oo la, la! Lee and Steve, sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Steve laughed even more and I stood there counting my fingers and trying to figure out what she spelled out.

K... I... S... I... G?

Huh? Kisig? What on earth is that meant to be? Whatever it was I liked the sound of it! It's a unique word. Kisig.

"Yup, totally." I say, joining in with the laughter. Bethany roared her head back even more and laughed twice as harder with this. Steve was grinning and Mum and Dad laughed a little too.

Excellent! Everyone's happy!

I looked at Dad and then back at Bethany. "Bethany and Dad, sitting in the tree, K-I-S-I-G!"

I said it in that playful tone Bethany had done. Bethany stopped laughing and looked at me in shock.

Dad gasped a little.

Oh well. I didn't care. At least no one was flying into rages and Robo Lee was safe for now. I just shut the door on Steve and thought...

Saved by the d-

Saved by the Steve

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