I Don't Know?

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Being grounded is something I'm used to. I practically live in my room, which is why I've grown accustomed to it. I lay down in my bed, racking my brain, trying to figure out what I did that was so wrong that got me excluded!


No clue.

Hold on! Steve's always getting girls against me, right? Maybe not just girls, maybe all sorts of females! All sorts of shapes and sizes!

Plump is quite large for a tiny woman. She's got greasy brown hair all tied up in this tight bun. Her face is natural puffed-pink.

Mum's total opposite. She's wa-ay taller than Plump and is curvier. She has long auburn hair and the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

Me? Well, I've got her auburn hair and Dad's hazel brown eyes. Nothing very interesting, I know.

I wish I could look more like my sister than my parents. She's unique.

"Lee! You can come down now, dinner's ready!" Mum's voice came all the way downstairs. "Make sure Bethany comes too!"

I stretched my arms, thinking how long have I been here thinking?

I knocked loudly on Bethany's door with both my fists. I always have to knock like this so she hears me.

"Bethany! Dinner's ready!" I said, looking at the door knob waiting for it to twist open, "Bethany! Can you hear me?" I banged on the door even louder. "BETHANY! I SAID CAN-YOU-HEAR-ME?"

The music stopped. Finally!

I waited patiently for her to come out. After a while, I decided I've been patient enough.

"Bethany! Come out!" I demanded, banging on the door all over again.

No answer

"Bethany!" I shouted, trying to get her to hear me. I imagined her wearing her earphones "BETHANY! DINNER'S REEEEEADDDDY!"

I expected her to come out with her usual irritated angry red face. it's what she always does. It's something I wish to avoid. But today, I'll give anything to see it again.

"... Bethany?" I squeaked. I squinted at the door knob, casting a spell, forcing Bethany to take her earphones off and chuck them on the bed. She's very angry right now and is getting ready to shout at her innocent little sister. She twists open the door knob and - hold on sec! The door knob is being twisted, very slowly. I watched the door open, proud of myself. I felt as if I truly had something to do with this.

I hadn't expected to be yanked in.

Then... I don't know what happened but I felt a big THWACK on my head. I could see four versions of Bethany's all looking at me. Two were smirking whilst holding a big bat and the other two looked worried and scared... Huh?

That's when I hit the floor.


I let out a long yawn and stretched my arms. My stomach let out a loud rumble, pleading me to feed it. I picked myself off the pavement... and - wait, what?

What am I doing on the pavement?

Last I remember... Bethany...'s?

Oh! I can't think straight with an empty tummy. I hurried along to the nearest corner shop I can find. "Johnny's sweet shop"

I don't recognize this building. Oh well, I'm sure this place will have something to satisfy my stomach.

"Hello, hello, hello!" chirped a very jolly, large man "How can I help?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" I smiled "it's OK, OK, OK!"

I wonder why people repeat things more than once. Ah well, I like it.

The man frowned and gave me a suspicious look before he went away. I gave him one of my special smiles but he didn't even acknowledge me back!

Why is that people get irritated by my smiles? Surely when someone smiles at you, you smile back, right? I even heard one time that a smile is worth it.

What's that weird sound? It appears to be coming from me.

Oh right! I nearly forgot. I grabbed some goodies, anything really, and fumbled in my pockets for some change. People were starting to line behind me and one person told me to hurry up. My stomach started to get very desperate.

"How much do you need?" says an annoying voice next to me, "don't worry, you can pay me later, Rumblebelly."

I turned my head... and I knew it! It's that dumb old Steve.

Actually he's not dumb, Dumbs can't speak, right? That is so not him, he always talks! It's impossible to shut him up! I don't even think he deserves to be Blonde.

You have heard of that quotation, haven't you? Blondes are dumb.

That is one of the quotes I disagree with. I know many blondes that speak; in fact I think they're louder than the rest of us.

Also, I saw a program once. This brunette girl was dumb, so that proves things wrong, unless she dyed her hair. I highly doubt it.

"Err... Rumblebelly? I know I'm irresistible to look at," Steve chuckled, flashing me one of those lopsided grin of his, "but you got to move along. Others can't stick around forever." He winked and moved closer to me, "you can look at me all you want later... err, tomorrow? At 5? McDonald's?"

Voila! I knew, I would find it! I paid the shopkeeper and left weirdo Steve. I heard people muttering "thank goodness" after I left.

I enjoyed eating my goodies, savoring each one, happy that it was worth the trouble. After I had finished, I chucked the wrappers in the bin.

I really should work on my aim.

Now I can finally think! OK, so recap everything you know.

Casting a spell

Door actually opened!

But got pulled in?

Hmm... Well, when I was in the room there was only Bethany I could see everywhere. Why is that?


Of course! When I got hit on the head, it must have been so bad that I saw four of her!

Two were smirking whilst holding a bat and the other two looked really worried and scared.

Oh... right! Hold on-

But doesn't that mean?

... It can't be!

There weren't two Bethany's in the room, were there?

Ugh! This doesn't make sense! How could there be two Bethany's?


I remember something like this from a TV program where there are two exactly the same and you have to decide which is the real one?

Now we're starting to get somewhere!

One of the Bethany's is the actual and the other is... a robot.

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