Grandmas, Who'd Have Em'?

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I'm walking over to my Grandma's slowly, thinking carefully about everything that occurred.

Starting with, yet again, being hit on the head. Do you remember? Y'know, when I blacked out. Just before I hit the floor... I... What was it? Oh! I FORGOT! Arggh! This does my head in!

I'll remember later on. I know I will. And as you may already have guessed, Mia was proper upset throughout the day. I found out that her Grandma died. Of course, I felt proper ashamed of myself for letting her get on with the day in such state! I was too busy thinking about my own problems that I hadn't been much of a friend.

But to atone for that, I was stuck side by side to Mia all day. I helped her with her work, helped her carry stuff, shared her my packed lunch and even offered to buy her anything she wanted. That is if my pocket-money could handle it!

I can't really say I know what it feels like. But I can try to understand what it would feel like. I wouldn't like it if Grandma died! No way! She's my favorite family member. I want to be able to die way before her. Actually if anything, I would want NO ONE to die.

But alas, it's just too much to ask for. But hey, there's more room in Heaven. Plus, you can meet your ancestors! How exciting!

Anyway, after all that Grandma business it left me feeling something strange towards my own Grandma. It helped me to realize how lucky I am to have her. She is truly the best Grandma ever! I know everyone has opinions, and this is just my opinion but it really should be a fact!

You see, my Grandma is a witch! No jokes. She can cast spells and she creates her own potions all day! I'll prove it to you.

When I was quite little, I asked her for a lollipop. Then she enchanted some strange words and fumbled in her pocket and out came... a LOLLIPOP!

Cool? I know right! Also there was this other time when I needed my homework to be completed. I was meant to do it the night before, but I forgot. Grandma simply took it to another room, cast a spell, and came back with my completed homework!

The best? Truly!

I intended on walking alone, but I can never get that. Not with Steve larking about. What is that guy's problem?

"Yo, Rumblebelly!" He called, riding his bike over to me. Why on earth does he have to call me that?

My tummy only rumbled once. Can you understand now why I hate him so much?

"Steve... Hey, do you mind? Could you just... err... I dunno, bog off?" I said annoyed with him. Why is he looking at me like that for?

"No. I wanna stay and talk with you." Said Steve grinning, a lopsided grin.

"Why?" I asked, confused. It's nothing I'm not used to.

Steve opened his mouth but closed it again, struggling for words. Who'd have thought?

"Cuz..." He managed to say.

I don't see how that is the answer to my question but I'm kind of in a hurry so I just left him there.

"Wait!" Steve called, riding over to me on his bike. Damn it! Why couldn't have I bought my bike?

MENTAL NOTE: Always bring your bike!

Steve got in the way so I had to stop. I didn't want to.

"If you don't mind," I said, trying to stop myself from slapping him, "I'm kind of in a rush."

"What's the occasion?" Asked Steve. I don't see what this has ANYTHING to do with him. But, if it'll help to get rid of him then I'm not complaining.

"Grandma." I simply say. Stupid Steve obviously didn't understand. I didn't think he was that thick!

I tried to wriggle past him, it nearly worked - but then he held onto my wrist.

"Can I ride you there?" Asked Steve. Ugh! Of course not! But I know he'll never let me go so unwillingly. I said OK.

I realized there wasn't much space for the both of us. I hesitated because I'm wasting valuable time with Steve when I could be with my Grandma! I jumped on Steve's lap and told him to ride like he never rode before.

Steve was smiling all the way, talking to me about random stuff really. Nothing important. Finally, he stopped at my Grandma's door. I jumped off his lap and ran to the door and knocked loudly. I always have to knock loudly for Grandma to hear.

"Err... Lee," Steve said scratching the back of his head. I noticed he didn't call me Rumblebelly. Great!

"Do you wanna hang o-"

Yay! Grandma's alright as ever. She opened the door and as soon as she saw me her smile expanded. Then she gestured for me to get in and I slammed the door shut behind me.


I sat down, sipping yummy hot chocolate whilst telling Grandma everything. From the very first, of me getting excluded all the way over to where I am now.

Grandma tutted.

"That Plump, doesn't even realize what an excellent pupil she has!"

I nodded because it's so true! Plump doesn't realize that I'm the one who actually cares for her. Maybe all the others do but they have a funny way of showing it.

"That... Steve? Wonder what his problem is!"

Again, I agree. I seriously too wonder. But, he's nothing for me to think about for too long. Grandma agrees with me.

"And Mia! I do feel sorry for her. I should know what it's like losing the people you love." Grandma let out a sad sigh. "But, she'll find herself in a new family. She'll learn to love them too."

I nodded. My Grandma is so wise!

"And... Bethany. Hmm, she's a unique one. I'll give her that." (More nodding from me) "But she needs more control over herself."

Agreed! I informed Grandma on the PREGN thing too. That's the one that confuses me. Everything else is easy and simple to figure out!

"PREGN? Sounds... familiar!"

"YES!" I nodded my head so furiously; I started to feel a bit dizzy. WHOOSH! Pull yourself together, Lee!

"Wait... I know! I know!" Grandma got up and walked over to her shelf that contains all her potions.

She proudly held out a large bottle with the label "PREGN".

OF COURSE! DUH! I felt so... STUPID! I should have known!!

"What does it do?" I asked feeling even more stupid. But I HAD to know!

Grandma turned the bottle and read what it had to say on the back, "This potion multiplies the number of humans but as a robot. The robotic versions may have common interests like their humans but they may also have differences. These differences can be quite difficult to spot but sometimes, on regular basis, it's quite easy to catch. Make sure you use no more than two doses otherwise side effects can cause dangerous explosions. Follow these simple instructions on how to use- Oh wait. This bit isn't important. Or is it?"

I was right! Bethany must have purposely created an evil robotic version of herself, but why?

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