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***first day of School***

Finally, my dad and brother, with the continuous urging of my assured mother, that I was better off in an academically advanced school, allowed me to leave, going to Rikkaidai high instead of seishun makuen.

The only reason dad said yes was because they were the reigning champs for the national tournament for 15 years.

Ryoma was upset, but after talking with him, and smoothing any wrinkles in our relationship, he told me goodbye.

"You can't avoid tennis forever, Akira."

"Yes I can."

"You even have a racquet now. You have to play, you can't just throw away your style like that!"

"Watch me." I brushed a piece of lint off of my bag. "I am the queen of avoidance."

"More like the queen of annoyance" Ryoma muttered in return.

I pretended I hadn't heard him.

Yep, our goodbye was cheery enough. (Note my sarcasm)

And as I neared the subway, I reached into my bag, pulling out my iPod and earbuds.

My earbuds were sennheisers and I was proud of them. I bought them myself, saving up money for a year.

The subway was fast, allowing me to enjoy more than a couple songs, with 4 stops between me and my destination.

I closed my eyes, breathing in to the sound of Chopin. The rapid piano notes of the nocturn made everything around me fall away, and I turned up my music, listening until the doors in front of me fell away, a beep resounded throughout the cabin, and I walked out, trying to find a way to rikkaidai.

I spotted some people wearing the same uniform as me. I tailed them, staying a safe distance away, Walking alone. My music still played, now switching to a piece by Bach, the notes strong and harsh, reverberating on my eardrums.

I closed my eyes, walking forward a few paces, before feeling a group of people in close proximity. I opened my eyes, with the goal of getting out of the way. However, I was derailed by seeing campus, and the people on it. They were mostly freshmen, with some third and fourth-years scattered here and there.

One girl stepped forward. "I loved your work in physics last year, it's a shame you didn't get recognized for it.

She was as short as me, and obviously the only one in the group who knew what I did even somewhat... How the hell? I wasn't anything particularly special.


"Thanks." I walked on, leaving my little "fan club" behind.

Some red hair disappeared behind a column and I put my earbuds back into my ears.

There was the sound of bubblegum popping, and a smack that I would have had to react to if my earbuds weren't in my ears.


In the front of the school I came across a board, I headed for the first year wall, and was confused when I saw a piece of paper taped next to my name.

You will have home room, and most of your classes with the advanced third and fourth-years in room 1-a and then go for reading and Japanese to freshman room 1-a.

I took a deep breath. Get ready for the stares, and the whispers. I exhaled, pushing the door open, and walking through, nocturn in g minor ringing in my ears.

I found a seat, near the window, in the second row, and sat down. I hummed along to the next nocturn quietly. It was a good tune. Mozart this time.

Getting rid of shadows: PRINCE OF TENNISWhere stories live. Discover now