You began to panic. You banged on the door after trying to open it and failing. You yelled for them to let you out. There was no response. You quickly gave up.

You turned around with your back against the door and slid to the floor. You tilted your head to the ceiling and closed your eyes. Why was this happening to you?

You sat there gently weeping for about 5 minutes when you decided that crying wasn't going to do anything good. You chose to look around for something to do while you waited for whoever this man was to finish his "work".

You sniffled and got up to look around at this grand room that you'd been shoved into.

The floors were even more plush than the carpet out in the second luxurious hallway. They were a jet black and the walls were the same color. There was a massive oak dresser with a huge mirror  off to your left against the wall you'd just been leaning on, facing the back wall. There was also a bookcase that climbed all the way to the ceiling against the left wall. All kinds of books were crammed in there. But the main attraction of the room was the colossal bed.

You walked over to it, adoring it. The bed had a golden colored silk blanket resting on a black mattress. The sheets were black as well, and were folded back over the silk blanket. The pillows were golden with black words that read "ROTTEN" on them.

Because the bed was so big, you would've had to climb onto it, as it came up to just above your belly button.

You didn't get the chance to fully explore the room as there was a banging on the door.

You stared at the door with wide eyes. What should you do? Should you try to escape? Should you open the door?

You stood there dumbly staring at the door, not knowing what to do.

That impatient voice sounded from the other side: "I haven't got all day, Doll."

You slowly walked to the door and opened it, assuming it was unlocked.

You twisted the handle and what was revealed was not what you were expecting.

A pale man with slicked back green hair and a maroon button up (although the first 5 or 6 buttons revealed his tattooed chest) stood at the door. He had a few tattoos on his face too. The one that you noticed first was a small tattoo across his hairline that said "Damaged".

He had bright blue eyes that stood out against slight dark circles around his eyes and his pale skin. His lips were a ruby red, and he was about half a foot taller than you, and he was staring right into your eyes.

"I've been waiting on you for awhile now, (Y/N)." He said, emphasizing "awhile". He spoke in an almost whisper.

Your breath hitched and you asked "what do you want,"

"Ohhh...(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)... I need you." He said and chuckled. He stroked your jawline with the pad of his thumb.

You were scared but you also kind of liked it.

He abruptly pulled away and pushed past you and into his room, leaving you standing there. Just as light from a window shone on his face, everything clicked into place.

All the newspaper articles about the "clown prince of crime", the posh hallways, the purple Lamborghini, the "J" printed on as many surfaces as possible; this man was the Joker.

Your eyes widened. You knew how many people this man has killed in the process of his "business". He was feared by everyone. What could be possibly want with you?

He stared at you. He took a breath before speaking again. It was as if he was reading your mind;

"You're a necessity to my business. I've been watching you for- oh I don't know. A year? And, well, you intrigue me. I've been watching in on your on and off relationship with that strange man, and how you've been handling that. Needless to say, you are highly interesting, and your skill set makes you valuable in the world of Mr. J. Now, I've got big plans for you, but they will not be very good if you refuse my offer. My offer is to stay with me and help me with my business and I'll give return."

He made hand gestures through his speech and maintained eye contact the whole time, which intimidated you. Hell, even being in the very presence of the Joker himself was intimidating.

He saw your wide eyes and laughed. But you knew that it wasn't a warm laugh. You knew that he was insane.

But you liked it, for some strange reason.

He recovered and quickly strode over to you so that your nose was brushing his. Your heart picked up speed and he spoke softly.

"I need you, (Y/N)." He stepped back, leaving you wanting more, again.

"Oh pretty, pretty please. Promise you'll stay?" He gave you puppy dog eyes and stuck out his lip. You were curious and were very attracted to him. So you slowly nodded your head.

His eyebrows shot up along with a smile showing both rows of grilled teeth. He clapped his hands.

"Oh goody! This is gonna be so much fun!" He said crazily. He regained his complexion and came over to you again.

He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him, your hips colliding with his.

You looked up into his brilliant eyes to see them intensely staring back down into yours. Then, out of nowhere, his lips were heavy on yours, and you felt yourself kissing back.

He pushed you against the wall, and he began to kiss your neck. You got to the first button (which was already half way down his chest) when there was a hard knock on the door.

Joker groaned and pulled away. He looked pissed. You cleared your throats and gained control of yourself.

"What," he said through clenched teeth.

There was a response of "uhh, there's a bank we have to rob in 4 minutes, boss."

He sighed. He made eye contact and smiled widely, saying. "Later, Doll. We will continue our session later." He said. And with that, he was gone.

You let out a large breath. You walked over to the bed and flopped onto it. You had to prepare yourself for your new life of crime with the Joker.


Hi everyone reading! I've been working very hard on this one and I know it's long 😂

I hope you enjoyed it, and please comment, or give me requests!

Thank you!

Word Count: 1746 words

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