
43 1 4

Song : Broken ... Patrick Watson

Anne walked up to Nancy's desk."Is my husband in?" Nancy-David's personal assistant-looked up at Anne and nodded in affirmation, "But he insists that no one disturbs him" she said politely.

Anne chuckled, typical of David to give such orders, putting his work over everything else. She understood his need to work so hard but lately he hardly ate, for the past week he'd being coming home late, spending his nights in the study, leaving the food she'd prepared for him untouched.

She knew there was nothing wrong with her food as David had always complemented her before and she'd always loved cooking even before he came into her life. Cooking reminded her of her mom whom she'd never met as she'd died while giving birth to her. In her head, every time she cooked, she did so with her mother, hence the reason she stood outside his office with a lunch box in her hand , it'd been a long time since she'd done it but she remembered that he loved it whenever she prepared lunch and brought it to him.

She smiled at the memory and turned to Nancy, " I'll handle him" she said and
walked into his office with Nancy rushing in behind her.

David looked up from his computer momentarily and frowned when he saw Anne standing infront of him, he was filled with utter disgust at the mere sight of her. He turned his gaze to Nancy, who stood beside Anne, " I gave you specific instructions not to let anyone in, Nancy? " Anne rose her eyebrows in silent question at his remark but remained quiet.

Since when did she become "Anyone" ?.

Nancy swallowed "I-I tried to stop her Sir" silently pleading that she won't lose her job.

David returned his gaze to his work and waved his hand dismissively "You can go, I'll handle it ." Nancy scurried out of his office before he changed his mind. Anne watched all that happened silently and although she was perturbed by David's behaviour, she managed to wear a small smile on her face.

"hey, uhm... Are you alright?" She asked, but was met with silence -a rather disturbing one, that had her all kinds of worried, she shook it off and continued.

" you left the house before I woke up, so, I decided to bring you lunch" she unwrapped the lunch box and placed it on his desk.

"Get that thing off of my desk" he growled in the steely tone he used on his employees and she flinched. That tone never failed to run chills down her spine and freeze her in place whenever he used it on anyone of them but now that it was directed at her, it was worse. She took it off his desk immediately and wrapped it up placing it on the floor.

"D-david" she called with a shaky voice, he'd never yelled at her before and now that he had, she didn't know what to do, "Is something wrong?"

He looked up at her, "I don't know Claire, is there?"

She stilled at the mention of the name, "How do you know?" She whispered

He stood up and walked around his desk to stand in front of her,"You had me for a fool Claire "

"Don't call me that" she pleaded, that name reminded her of all that she wanted to forget.

"Why? Cause it reminds you of who you really are? The whoring daughter of James Devon!"

She froze.

A whore

"Don't call me that, please"

"I shouldn't what? Address you by your true nature?" He yelled and then reached out and brought up a folder, he tore it open, making the contents of the folder spill out onto the carpet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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