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🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: How's Mia?

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: She's good. How's the party?

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: Boring Af

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: lol. I bet JJ hates it

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: He left

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: He did?

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: Yeah went on a walk

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: Oh

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: Did she have any nightmares?

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: No

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: That's good

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: You ever going to get her nightmares looked at

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: Why would I do that?

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: I don't know. I'm just worried about her

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: I know, but I don't think it will work

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: Probably not

🌎💙BestieSi🐱😋: Anyway gotta go

❤️️😍Zoella💙📚: bye

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