You'll never know

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Maya POV
Im getting ready for Missy's stupid party, apparently she is really glad im singing. I rolled my eyes at the thought.
"Maya!" Max said coming into the extra room. He stopped in his tracks, " Ummm Uhh"
"Yes Max? Whats wrong with your face?" i said turning around and seeing him struggling to speak. "Hello?!" i yelled waving my hands.
"Whats all the yelling-" Cj said coming into the room.
"Max is frozen." i explained
"Oh...OH i know why!" Cj said following his gaze. "That outfit...its Hot!" she said pointing at me.
I blushed
She snapped her fingers in front of his face. He come back almost instantly.
" look pretty Maya." He said innocently.
"Thanks babe but we gotta go so dont freeze like that! You scared me!" i hit him in his shoulder.
"Aaahhwww!" i laughed and then we walk out of the appartment.
Missy's party was at some club that her dad owned. We were walking up the stairs when Max stopped me.
He just stared at me and didnt say anything. Im curious...what is he thinking?
"Max? Are you frozen again? Do i need to get-" he kisses me.
I dont know why but i fight myself to kiss back. Why wont i kiss him?
He pulls away and smiles. He looks around then says, "Hey why dont you sit down?"
"Cause i want to remember let me take a picture of you."
I nodded and sat on the step. I awkwardly stare at the camera and lower my head.
Why when i kissed him i wished it was someone else?
I was suppose to smile but my thoughts caused me to look spaced out. He snapped the picture.

It was beautiful "Thanks Max""Yea sure

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It was beautiful
"Thanks Max"
"Yea sure.."
We walked hand in hand to the party. The party was crowed and loud but what highschool party isnt.
"MAYA!" Smackle yelled dragging Zay behind her.
Smackle and i are still pretty good friends. And Zay well he's cool and her boyfriend so its awesome to see them here. Only problem is he's Lucas's bestfriend...ughhh
"Hey Smac! Zay...What you guys doing here?"
"We came cause Zay wanted to party and i heard that you were singing so i had to come."
"Aw thank you! You guys look great! Completely a beautiful couple!" i said jumping a little.
"Not as good as you Maya you look hot in that!"
"Yea Maya you look great!" Zay said awkwardly grinning.
"Well I'll see you guys later i have to get ready!" i said moving away from them.
"Good luck!" Smackle yelled.
Third person
Zay turned to Smackle, "Do you think we should have told her about the group coming?"
"No cause she honestly looked happy and i didnt want to ruin it."
"You amazing bae."
"I know but she should be with Lucas. They are honestly meant to be together Zay! You know how he likes her and i know for a fact she feels the same." Smackle said speciously
"What!" Zay said with his eyes wide open.
Smackle shrugged, "You'll see when he gets here. Once she performs nothing gonna stop the undeniable connection."
Zay nodded and then they went to find out if the group was here yet.

After 20 minutes the group finally gets there. Its awkward between them but they promise they would come so they did.
"Lucas please talk to sorry.." Riley said trying to get his attention.
He looks at her, "Riley its not me you need to talk to. This isnt you and i dont anything to with whoever you've become." Lucas pushed passed the crowd leaving Riley and Farkle.
Riley lowers her head and begins to stare at her hands.
"You look beautiful by the way..." Farkle said standing awkwardly beside her.
She tries to hide her smile, "thank you Farkle..."
More silences between them
"Im sorry.." he says and Riley looks up. "Im sorry for telling Lucas...i knew it would hurt you cause i told him but he needed to know."
Riley bits down on her lips, "it's okay.." she says breathy. "I understand why you told him...its just now i-i losted him an-and i lost my bestfriend too." she pauses, "its my fault..." a tear rolls down her face.
Farkle wips it away and smiles at her.
"Im sorry...i shouldn't be crying in front of you. Nobody needs to see me cry." her voice cracks
"Its doesnt matter...because you look beautiful when you cry."
If there was a moment where, everything seem different and something felt like more it was this.
Riley stares into Farkle eyes
Riley POV
I dont know how im feeling...just that right now.
Looking at Farkle i see something...
Something i never saw in Lucas, ever. But i see and feel more. More was do i feel more? Do i-?
Before i could even finish my thought Farkle kisses me.
Its different....just different. I kiss back. The sparks, the butterflies just everything.
We pull away
"Wow." we both say and laugh.
Lucas POV
I dont even know why i came.
Im mad at Riley and Farkle, plus talking to Maya right now isnt really something i should do. Everything is just so screwed up! I dont know what to do anymore.
I walk to the bar and get whatever just to get my mind off everything.
"Oooo well isnt this something? Lucas Friar! At my party its such an honor." Missy says walking towards me.
"Hey Missy" i said with a quick grin.
"Your gonna love the performer i have tonight! She's a real talent....hope you enjoy it." She she's winking at me. I cring and continue drinking.
After a few minutes, Missy is standing on the stage.
"Hey everyone! Thanks you losers for coming to my party." she boast "Well now i have alittle treat...she's pretty known in our school especially since her performance at the scholar concert." Ugh really one of my classmates great! I turn around to face the opposite direction. "Without futher a-do Maya Hart!!!"
Well i should have known, i know i told Mr. Matthews that she would come but i hoped she wouldnt.
"Hey everybody! So im gonna do a few songs." Everyone cheered "Okay then...why dont we do something alittle more fun then what i usually sing."
I just stared at her, she was just so amazing.
Maya POV
I saw lucas staring at me
Why do i love him? Max loves me and im not breaking his heart. Im about to sing when i get an idea.
"So this song is called You'll never know."
Everyone claps

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