" Run prince, we will take care of the rest. " A nightmare said.

" Thank you. " I started to run again. Thanking the chases me and toothless do. It helps so much. I hardly feel my lungs burn.

" The Dragon's are free! " I heard someone yell.

" Run! " Another.

They are cowards without their weapons. It's their fault they act like this. Outcast island is known for their "hardy" dragons. Even I had difficulties when I first came here. They never had a gentle touch in their lives. Never seen anyone like me. I mean...who would see someone like me? I'm a hiccup. Relying on the organ in my cranium then bulking up my muscles. I honestly think bulking up is impossible for me, doomed to be skinny for the rest of my life. Great just great. I'm running for my life and all I can think about is my muscle mass. Really Hiccup? *Sigh* I need to get a grip.

" Let's see. "

I looked around for any signs of Toothless. I could call out to him, but I don't know if they did anything to him to not respond back. It's still worth a shot. I took a deep breath calling him. Mimicking his tone. My human vocals could barely handle the strain. I waited for a response. Defeated when I didn't hear anything return.

" Hiccup! "

There it is. His call. It always brings a smile to my lips. I continued my running. Moving towards the surface. I could feel the clouded weather swarm my skin.

" The runt is out! "

I panicked, running towards a dragon ring. I didn't have a choice, I jumped down. The landing hurt...my legs buzzed from the flat force I put on them. Having to stumble against the wall before the bones broke. Starting to hyperventilate. I'm scared. If I get caught Toothless will suffer, I will suffer. They moved inside with me. Laughing. Weapons far too heavy to lift. I moved back, pressing my wait on a dragon's cell. Wait, dragon's cell?! They started to circle me. I smiled running to the chains, pulling them. Releasing whatever dragon they had locked away.

" Toothless! "

I really is him. I run to him, hugging his scales. It's really my brother. Breath, unharmed for what I can see. He moved his wing to around me, protecting me. Snarling and growling at anyone who dared to take another step. I turned to a clapping noise, Alvin. He followed me all the way here. That smug crooked smile on his face.

" I have to thank you for making our jobs easier. " He started.

That's right, he wanted me here. Wanted me next to Toothless. I pressed myself against Toothless ready to moved under his wing to his back. I didn't pay attention to Alvin's orders. Only that Toothless started to panick. My heart beat increased seeing them so close. I don't want them to hurt him.

" Don't touch him. "

Toothless roared warningly. My statement only came out as a whisper. My hands started to heat up. I could feel myself lose to the fear. I don't want to get captured again. I don't want to see him muzzled. I don't want to see him be harmed. Their going to do it again. Alvin's right hand said so. That I "muzzled" him. He's my brother. I couldn't...it wasn't like that...in the beginning...I didn't know. How could I? It was war. It lasted for thousands of years. Vikings and Dragons didn't mix, but here I am. A mix of both.

" Get the muzzle ready boys. I want this little Hiccup to see his dragon broke to my will. " Alvin ordered.

" Stop. "

" Oh? Is the mistake scared? "

Taunting...their have no right...Toothless. Don't muzzle him. His wing is closer to me. He knows I'm scared. I can feel myself shake. Everything is hot. I don't understand I can control my body temperature. The inner flame within. So why? Why can't I control it now! What's wrong with me!

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