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Diamond pulled up and I got in the car while slamming her door. I was mad as fuck, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have never did that shit. "makayla I'm-

"Take me home." I said cutting her off. That's not how I planned to loose my virginity. Especially not to a thug. One that dogged my ass at that! I scrolled through my Instagram the whole way home trying to avoid conversation with her. We pulled up to my apartment and I got out and went straight inside, not saying bye or nothing. I threw off my clothes and hopped in the shower. "I'm not a virgin nomore" I mumbled. Y'all probably thinking I'm tripping but so what! My virginity meant a lot to me, fuck whachall thought! I hopped out the shower after a hour washing all the dirtiness off me. I threw on a tank top and boy shorts. I know I couldn't really be mad at Her because it wasn't her fault but I wouldn't have did it if she didn't want me to go to the party with her so bad.

Me: I'm not mad.

Bestie👭❤️: I'm so sorry...

Me: it's okay I guess I'm just not a virgin anymore.

Bestie👭❤️: I just can't believe you hooked up with Shook.

Me:who the fuck Is shook?

Bestie👭❤️: Everybody said they saw you leave with him lastnight.. He the biggest King pin in Baltimore.. He mean ass hell too, He stay having mfs shook so Iguess that name stuck to him.

Me: I don't remember shit that happen lastnight! I'm glad I won't ever have to see his ass again he was mean this morning!

Bestie👭❤️: you Gatta tell me all about it!! I never really left...😂😂😂😂😂😂open up CHIKA!


I hopped up from my bed and opened the door. I busted up laughing. The bitch is crazy. "Bitch I was planning on knocking yo door down begging you to talk to me but you so happen to text me" she said walking in. "Oh hush" I said laughing. She got comfy on the couch and plopped her feet up. "Okay tell me everything that happened start from finish"

"Well the last thing I remember After taking the red cup from this tall skinny dude is waking up not in my bedroom, butt ass naked oh and don't forget Mean ass "shook" yelling saying I Gatta go!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Damn" she mumbled. "He rude"

"RIGHT!" I said laughing.

The rest of the night we spent talking, watching movies and eating junk food. I'm just glad I don't have to see "shook" anymore, mean ass nigga.


I stood at the counter of finish line and smashed on some subway and Orange chicken. My lunch break was 15 minuets ago but I'm hungry as hell still. If my manager see this he gone get on my ass, and the way the customers looking at me is like I'm crazy. Shit I was hungry. I finished both subs and all my orange chicken from the large container. I started to walk around asking people if they needed help. "Hi,welcome to finish- before I could respond I threw up in my mouth. I ran to the ladies bathroom in the back and emptied all my food into the toilet. My subway and orange chicken went to waste, Wtf. "Ugh" I said wiping my mouth and washing my hands. Some girl next to me pulled out a pregnancy test and walked off. I felt offended as fuck. The fuck this bitch thought I'm most defiantly not pregnant! I threw the pregnancy test in the trash and walked out the bathroom. I went back to the counter and stood. I have the worst headache. My manager Libby walked over to me and smiled. "makayla you can take the rest of the day off and I wanted to say , congrats!" She said smiling. I looked at this bitch like she had 6 heads. "I'm getting a raise? Whachu saying congrats to me for?" I asked looking confused.

"Your not pregnant?" She asked with a straight face.


"I'm so-

"It's okay, I just been eating a lot." I said smiling.

She smiled awkwardly. "Okay well you can still take off it looks like you need it."
I smiled and gathered all my stuff out my locker and walking out the store. I hopped in my 2016 white jeep and headed to Mc Donald's. I pulled though the drive through and thought about what I wanted.

"You can go ahead as soon as your ready mam" the Lady spoke into the microphone.

"Can I get, 2 Big Macs , 3 spicy chicken sandwiches with cheese added to all, 2 large fries and a Carmel frappe."

"19.27 is the total you can pull up the window." I pulled up to the window and handed her a 20.

"You should eat healthier for the baby sake." She said giggling handing me my food. I looked at this Bitch and rolled my eyes. " bitch What baby!?"

She laughed a little more. "Your pregnant you have a glow. Trust me I know, I have 3. Don't spazz out on me for trynna give yo fat face ass advice." She said while closing the window. I wanted to go in there and raise hell but I decided against it. I headed home and smacked on one of my chicken sandwiches. I stopped at Walmart on the way to get some pads. Since I haven't came on my period I decided to just get off birth control all together so I know I should be coming on soon. I looked in the section where all kinds of pads and tampons were at. I grabbed the regular sized pads and the big diaper size pads for when  I sleep at night. Feel me ladies? These come in handy. I came across the pregnancy section and shrugged. Why not? I know I'm not pregnant so getting a couple wouldn't hurt. I grabbed 3 test a threw them in the basket. The lady rung up my stuff and handed me my change. I got in my car and headed home.

Soon as I got home, the chicken sandwich I just ate met the toilet. "What the fuck" I mumbled. I must be catching a cold, I thought. I grabbed one of the pregnancy test and peed on the stick. I chucked to myself. "I know I'm not pregnant why the Fuck am I doing this." I mumbled. I heard my phone ring and I got up and answered it.  It was my mom.

"Hello...hey mom..nothing just got back from the store... Tell them i said hey yeah I know but....

I walked over to the pregnancy test and accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. "Oh hell naw" I mumbled. I sat down and out my hands on my head. I got up grabbed my keys and drove straight to the clinic I know that would have everything takin care of.     20 minuets later I went inside.  "How many I help you today?" A pretty lady said typing on her computer.

I gulped down my fear and talked. "Yes.. Can I make an appointment for an abortion immediately." I said looking at my finger nails. She looked at me then back at her computer and signed. "Fill this form out and bring it back to me as soon as your done..with 2,000.00 also. She said handing me a clipboard with a pen. I nodded and sat down. I looked around me and noticed most girls in the waiting room crying. Some came out the back looking guilty. I just couldn't do this. I'm not about to have a baby by no thug. I filled out the whole form and handed to the lady along with the money. She looked over the form and looked up. "Alright Ms.sanders, Dr Carter is waiting on you in the back." I nodded my head and walked over to the back of the office. I was greeted by a tall Darkskin man with hazel eyes. "Hello Ms.Sanders, before we get started I will like for you to go in the bathroom and pee in the cup  to make sure your really pregnant and so we can add up the dates of your last period so we can know exactly how far along you are." He said handing me a little cup. I grabbed the cup and begin peeing in it. After I was done I washed my hands and walked out the bathroom handing him the cup. He gave me a genuinely smile before taking the cup and walked out. I sat there and waited on him. Nothing really crossed my mind at the moment. It was blank. Seconds later Dr.Carter walked in with a couple sheets of paper with a smile on his face. "Alright Ms.Sanders we checked the dates and it added up and it looks like your indeed 2 months pregnant." I smiled back. "I know" I mumbled. Why the Fuck they think I'm here? I got school to worry about not a damn child!

He pulled out a table full of tools and 2 pills. " are you sure this is what you want Ms.Sanders? There's no going back after this?" He said looking at me genuinely worried. "Yes I mumbled." "Okay lie on your back and take these two pills, you will instantly go into a deep sleep within 5 minuets." He said handing me the pills and water. I threw the pills back and layed on my back. This is it. I thought.

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