Chapter three (Adelia)

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Chapter three (Adelia)

He gets closer and closer until he reaches the top, when he's right under me, I hold my breath. I'm hoping the foliage conceals me and he's been bluffing the whole time, but I truly know thats not the case. He grabs my ankle, and I scream, kicking his hand with my other foot. He pulls himself up, and gives me a wicked smile.

"Hello, sweetie."

Upon hearing this, my heart almost stops. I quickly look for an escape, but we're so high up, I realize that I would immediately break my neck. I debate whether

or not to jump to my death, but I decide against it. An uncertain death is better than a certain one. Pan grabs me by the waist, throws me over his shoulder, and climbs down the tree. "Hold on," He orders, "Wouldn't want our special guest to break her neck, now would we?"

I scream and struggle tremendously as he carries me over his back through the camp (where Felix originally tried to lead me) and over to a cage made of bamboo. I curse, I kick, and I threaten, but he remains unfazed.  He gently places me inside and locks it.

"What the hell do you want with me?" I say, fiercely. He looks at me, and gives a little smirk in my direction.

"Oh, my dear, you'll see. You'll see very soon."

I wake up on the leafy ground near the campfire. The sky is still dark, but for some reason I doubt it will even lighten. Pan sits on one of the logs surrounding the campfire, and my eyes meet his. He smirks, raising one eyebrow.

"I was starting to worry you wouldn't wake up." He states.

"Glad to know you care about me." I snap.

"Why of course I do!" he exclaims, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He dramatically places his hand over his heart, and I almost roll my eyes. When I don't say anything, he asks, "What's your name anyways?"

I look up at him in disbelief. Is he really trying to play nice?

"Why should I tell you?" I ask, testing his act.

He scowls and bares his teeth barbarically. He shoots up off the log, grabs my waist, and shoves me against the nearest tree. I can tell he doesn't like when people talk back to him.

He puts his lips barely a centimeter away from my ear.

"What's. Your. Name." he demands, tightening his grip around my waist.

"Adelia." I gasp, trying to take control over my fear. I expect him to release me, but he continues holding me to the tree.

"A-dee-lia," he pronounces slowly, "Never heard that before."

I can't answer, because I can only focus on his hand that's on my waist.

He looks at me and flexes his eyebrow. I feel my heart skip a beat. My breaths are uneven.

"How nice." He mutters, twisting his finger through my red hair as if it belongs to him. "Very nice."

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