Chapter 10: Your Alive?!?

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iris pov

"alright. and the last thing on the agenda would be where you plan on making the home pack" harper announced while we were in my office

"which one is currently the largest pack house out of all of you" I asked the alphas on the Skype call. I was having a meeting with all my high ranking sub alphas. and I cannot tell you how difficult it was to set something like this up

"that would be me alpha" Tyrone announced proudly, but his pack house was in Africa and the others didn't like living their last time

"second largest?" I asked

"that would be me" my uncle ray announced happily and I couldn't help but smile. he was in charge of our original pack back in Canada. I remember him saying that they've done some remodeling, but I didn't think that it was that big

"then I guess that settles it" I said happily

"we'll prepare for you arrive once you've taken over" my uncle informed me

"let the other surrounding packs and alphas know what we discussed her today, until then your dismissed" I told all of them

"yes alpha" the bowed to their cameras before I exited out of skype and sighed into my chair rubbing my eyes

"god a 9-hour meeting harper, was this really necessary" I asked tired and hungry as hell

"I'm sorry iris but we're actually still behind, that meeting helped with a small cushion but there's still a lot to talk about. packs in the eastern countries are talking about some kind of training pack made specifically for fighters, but others are fighting about that saying that the cost to transfer the fighter around to the packs would be too much. which it would be, and other packs are-" she started

"dear goddess just sends me the work while I'm in class" I exclaimed not liking the fact that I was so behind on pack work

"I would, but our parents-" she pointed out

"I know but.... look once and a while when somethings important just slip it to me, like when I'm in an elective or something, I'm ok with anatomy too" I pointed out knowing I had a b in that class

"I guess we could do that" she said caving in and I threw my hands in the air

"finally she listens to her alpha instead of the parents" I exclaimed

"it's hard to go against them, you know that" she pointed out. I guess I couldn't blame her

"I guess" I shrugged

"so.... there's been talk with the teachers and administrative.... what's going on between you and Easton?" she asked and I groaned not wanting to think about that fish. it's been two weeks now and ever since I saw him the guy wouldn't leave me the hell alone no matter where I go or what I try to hint at he's always there waiting and smiling like an idiot. the most annoying part being is that since I always see him in school he's always in that stupid player mode of his and he ends up doing this in between real him and fake him thing that just starting to get on my last nerve

because he's been sticking around me I've been receiving threatening glares from the other girls at school...or at least that's what they try to give me but instead it looks like some pathetic attempt at a glare they no better than to fuck with me, but not enough to not even try. Gwen says that he's even annoying her in her classes now always asking her questions and trying to flirt with her, she blames me for it but she doesn't realize that we in the same boat. the only person who was enjoying Easton being around was Sabrina

ever since Easton said those things about her she's finally shown her true head over heels for Easton personality. she was worse than the girls that are always flocking around him. Ryder looks like he's still trying to figure out what was up with Easton but I doubt he was ever going to get a solid answer

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