Chapter 3

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*Author's Note: I noticed a small detail that was inconsistent between the first and second chapter, so that's been fixed. I'd advise you to go read the ending of Chapter 2 to avoid getting confused at the end of this chapter. You only need to start rereading after Alexis gets home from school, and it's the very end so it won't take very long. This only applies if you've read this story before today (January 19, 2014). Sorry for any inconvenience.* 

Chase removed his arm from my shoulder when we reached the bottom of the stairs. He must not have wanted anyone to catch him looking friendly with the resident nerd. I scowled at the thought of Chase trying to protect his perfect reputation, despite the fact that he wouldn't let me go my own way. Chase noticed my scowl as he began leading me to the kitchen.

"Geez, try not to look so enthusiastic Alexis," Chase said sarcastically, glancing at me over his shoulder before turning to continue weaving through the dancing bodies. I rolled my eyes as I followed behind him. Now was my chance to escape, but I figured he might be able to lead me to Carmen.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll try to hide the fact that I've been dragged here against my will," I spat back.

He chuckled at my response. "Once a nerd, always a nerd," He mumbled, not even bothering to look at me as he strode into the bright kitchen.

A group of people I vaguely recognized were standing around the island in the center of the kitchen, each drinking out of a red cup that was undoubtedly filled with a liquid from one of the many alcohol bottles scattered around the kitchen. They were laughing at something we missed, but they warmly greeted Chase as they noticed his presence.

"Hey, what's up Chase? Nice party as usual," One of the boys complimented.

"Thanks man. I just came in here to get this newbie a drink," He replied, motioning to me standing awkwardly behind him. It's no secret that I don't exactly fit in with anyone here. My cheeks heated up as all eyes turned to me curiously.

"No thanks, I'll pass," I mumbled, avoiding their gazes.

Chase scoffed at me. "Come on, loosen up. You're at a party, just enjoy yourself."

I glared up at him. "What does it matter to you? It's not like you care if I'm here or not."

His eyes glazed over as irritation colored his expression. "You're right, I don't care care," Chase said dismissively as he turned to his friends. They all looked in various directions and fidgeted awkwardly as I stood there in silent anger. I stomped past them towards a glass sliding door leading to a backyard patio before anyone got a chance to make some kind of remark about the only nerd dumb enough to get talked into coming tonight. 

Fuck Chase. I don't need him telling me how to have a good time like I'm some kind of charity case, I thought bitterly. I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of such petty thoughts. Why should I even care about Chase. I shouldn't be surprised at how big of a jerk he is anyways.

My eyes scanned the fenced in backyard before I spotted my target lounging in a chair by the pool, laughing at something a random partygoer said. Her eyes glistened from whatever was in the cup she held. I marched up to Carmen, already fed up with the night. She noticed the look on my face as her eyes landed on me, and a frown replaced her fading laughter.

"What's wrong babe?" she asked with concern.

"Nothing, I just had a typical run in with Chase. Well actually," I trailed off, thinking it over. "It wasn't exactly typical. He seemed oddly friendly at first. He doesn't fool me though."

"Come on Lex, stop thinking he has an ulterior motive for everything. We're at a chill party, maybe he was just being polite for once. You should take advantage of the moment and maybe get on his good side," Carmen lightly scolded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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