Lightining Crashes - Mr Polite

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Chapter One.

I was sitting behind the shed at the back of the school, like every morning, I lit up a cigarette waiting for school to start.

The nicotine always calmed me before I had to face my worst nightmare, well he wasn't my worst nightmare, just the most popular guy in the school, always thought it was fun to pick on me and only me.

We use to be best friends when we were in junior school but after the incident, he always blamed me. I become an outcast and he joined the popular group to avoid me.

My cigarette went out so I threw it to the ground and stood up, the school bell went so I decided it was time to head to class.

I walked across the oval heading towards my first class when I heard my name.

" Miss E-ell-iee!" he said in a taunting tone.

" What do you want Josh?" I asked politely.

" You smell feral, smoking again were we?" he asked.

" What's it to you! You don't care about me anymore, bugger off!" I replied to his stupid question.

" It's nothing to me idiot. But it matters to the Headmaster. What's he going to say when he finds out your breaking the school rules again!" He said in a wingy tone.

" Oh what the hell Josh. He'll suspend me for what the 12th time this year. Why do you even bother. I'm late to class, go away for once, Please? I asked.

" Whatever Ellie, Your no fun anymore" Josh said and then turned and walked away.

"You changed yourself way to much Josh, your not who you use to be" I mumbled to myself and headed to class.


As I neared first class, I could see that class had already started, I dumped my bag on the port racks and grabbed my book and pen. I never did anything else in class but draw, I hated school after the incident, I didn't see the point in learning anymore.

I knocked on the door and waited for the teacher to walk over. Great now everyone is staring at me, thank you so much Josh!

Mr Costin opened the door and let me through. I walked towards the back and sat at the last desk. History was never my good subject, I grabbed my Ipod out of my pants and put the earphones in my ears. I sat there drawing and listening to my music until someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to see a guy sitting next to me.

I took one of my ear phones out.

" Umm, Hi?" I said quietly so Mr Costin didn't hear me.

I'd never see this person before.

" Hello, I'm Corey. I'm new here and I was wondering if you could show me around" he asked politely.

" There's plenty of other people in the classroom, why me?" I asked rudely.

" I just thought you would be the best person to help me, everyone else seems to have there own friends and I don't want to interrupt them. " he answered my rude question politely.

" Well, I could show you around, But why do you keep talking to me politely when I'm obviously being rude "

" Ellie and Corey, What do you think your doing in my classroom" Mr Costin boomed across the room.

" Shit " I yelled.

" Sorry Sir, I was just asking Ellie if she could show me around after your class" Said Corey before I could apologise for swearing.

" That's not good enough. Get out of my class and get to the headmasters office. And Ellie don't you dare swear in my classroom again" Mr Costin said in a stern voice.

I grabbed my books and pen and headed for the door.

" Whatever " I said to Mr Costin as I walked past.

This so was not my day. First Josh, now getting kicked out of class because of some idiot. I'm a gluten for punishment today.

Mr Costin followed me as I headed towards my bag.

" Ellie, If I find out you didn't go to the headmasters office, I will be suspending you!" Mr Costin warned.

" Whatever, I'm going, bye " I replied and walked off towards the oval.

Mr Costin was shouting something at me, But like always I ignored him

I got half way across the oval when I realised someone was still shouting my name.

" ELLIE! ELLIE, WAIT UP! " came a voice from behind me

I stoped and turned around, running towards me was a puffed Corey. I must of walked fast if he was puffed to catch up to me. I then noticed I never really had a chance to look at him. And now I wish I hadn't. He was unbelievably sexy. He stood up and smiled and my heart started racing.

" What-ttt do you want? " I stuttered out.

" Weren't we sent to the headmasters office?" He asked politely.

" Why do you keep talking to me politely, and yes I was sent to the headmasters office, but once again, I'M NOT GOING! " I yelled at him.

His smile started fading and my heart beat slowed down. Corey turned and walked the other way. I went to turn around and walk towards the shed when I heard.

" Sorry I bothered you "

" Corey?" I asked.

He stoped and turned around and looked at me. His face lightened up and a small smile appeared across his face again.

" I'm sorry for being rude, but I don't have many people talk to me, most of them think I'm weird hence why I asked you how come you were asking me to show you around, I'm probably not the best person for you to be talking to, as I already got you into trouble, and I don't intend on listening to that cockhead of a teacher, So if you want to join me, I will be going down to sit on the other side of the shed and listen to my music and have my lunch and a smoke." I stated.

Corey just looked at me, so I turned around and headed for the shed, sure enough I heard footsteps behind me and I got to the shed and sat down, Corey slumped down beside me.

" Smoke?" I offered.

" Yeah, Okay." Corey replied.

" Do you actually smoke, or are you trying that lame school ' I'm just going to smoke to impress her crap ' because really, nothing you do could possibly impress me " I said while lighting my cigarette.

Corey smiled and pulled out his own packet of cigarettes.

" Well looky here, we actually have another smoker in the school. I'm amazed " I said in a smartarse tone.

" You think you know all about me, don't you Ellie?" he asked while grinning.

" Nope, " I took a draw of my smoke " I don't intend to either ". I replied back

" Sure you don't Ellie, Your dying to know " Corey stated while lighting his smoke and taking a draw.

I laughed " I so liked you so much better when you were polite, and 1. No, I'm not dying to know all about you. 2. I couldn't give a rats arse, if you were the king of England, And don't try to tell me you are, because um duh there is no king of England and 3. Go play in traffic so I have some real entertainment. "

" So you liked me huh? " he grinned at me again.

" No, idiot. I don't even know you. "

" But you said -"

I cut him off mid sentence

" You took what I said out of proportion, so don't even get your hopes up!"

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