"Rather strange meal, don't you think?" Tina looked at Queenie.

"I was just making what she wanted," She shrugged and smiled jokingly at you.

"Well then," Newt began. "It looks delightful, Queenie. Thank you," Your mouth began to water.

"Yes, thank-" Was all you could say before actual drool started falling from the corner of your mouth. Queenie giggled, and Newt half-smiled at you.

"Get to eating, love, or you'll loose all the water in your body," Newt teased. You hit his shoulder and wiped your mouth with your napkin.


You were all still chatting by 10 PM, two hours after you all had finished eating. You were getting quite tired, but you were having fun. You didn't want to ruin it, but even though you were trying your best to stay awake, you still yawned. Everyone stopped talking, and Newt looked over at you with sympathy in his eyes.

"You're adorable, love," He started. "Are you ready to leave?" Everyone was waiting for your answer, but you couldn't help the following yawn.

"No, no, I'm having fun," You replied. Queenie exchanged looks with Newt.

"Why don't we go on home, darling? It's getting late, we need to feed Frank once more anyways." He stood up and reached his hand out for you to take. You grasped onto him, barely having to pull yourself up.

"Goodnight, you two!" Queenie sang as he lead you to the door.

"Sleep well," Tina added.

"You too," Newt called back.

"Goodnight!" You shouted, your voice slightly hoarse. Newt shut the door behind the both of you.

"Oh dear, it's freezing!" He exclaimed, looking down at you in your long sleeved, thin shirt and dress pants. He took off his navy trench coat and slipped it over your shoulders, which left him in his yellow vest and white button up.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, darling?" He asked, and gestured to go back inside the apartment. It made you feel so joyful that he cared so much about you.

"Are you going to be alright?" You smiled, blushing lightly. "I have taken your coat, after all,"

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and started down the steps again. He pulled you into his chest, intertwining your fingers with the arm that was around your neck.

"I love you so much, Y/N," He whispered to you. You looked up at him briefly, then looked back down again.

"I love you more," You replied, kissing the back of his hand. He looked to the side, at the little shops that lined the sidewalk.

"I don't know if that's exactly possible, love," He remarked, smirking at you once more. No one was walking out this late, so you could hear the clicks of both of your shoes with each step you took.

"Why are you being so cute tonight, huh?" You asked playfully as you tickled his stomach. He pressed your hand down on his stomach, smiling wildly.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about, darling," He lied as he blushed at you. You stepped in front of him and pulled his coat around your neck.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" You smiled, raising your voice slightly. "What's going on with you?" He still blushed and wasn't able to look at you in the eye. He stepped toward you and rested his hands on your waist. You rubbed the back of his neck with your hand and pressed your foreheads together.

"I've been meaning to ask you this...for a long time," A wave of fear crashed onto your body.

"If you don't think this is the right time, or...you don't want to, it's more than fine with me, I just...I want this for us more than anything in the world, wether it's tonight or ten years from now," He began as he lifted your chin up so his eyes met yours.

"Would you possibly...how do I put this- um..." You knew in your heart what he was going to ask. You could feel it.

"Do you-" He was cut off by your finger on his lips.

"Newt?" You started, looking up at him. His eyes widened. "I'm pregnant,"

He slowly stepped back and left your finger in the air. You were absolutely frozen. His hands left your waist. He murmured something you couldn't understand.


"I'm going to be a daddy!" He shouted so loudly that it echoed through the empty streets around him. He jumped around for a moment before he picked you up and swung you around. You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked down at his smiling face. You searched his eyes and found nothing but utter happiness.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a daddy!" He exclaimed once again. He set you down on the pavement and you smiled as you watched him jump around like a happy toddler.

"Do you hear that New York? I'm going to be a daddy!" He cupped his hands around his mouth as he yelled this. You shrunk into your shoulders, and cringed at the thought of waking someone.

"Newt!" You whispered as you smiled like an idiot. He ran over to you and lifted you up to his height, wrapping one arm around your back and cupping your cheek with the other. With no space in between your hearts, he kissed you harder, and more passionately than he ever had before. You could feel the stubble on his face as it pricked your upper lip and your cheek. He pulled away, and you could see tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Newt," You tried to speak, but barely anything could come out. You wiped the tear off his cheek and kissed him again.

"I love you, Y/N...more than anything in this entire universe,"


So, hello, how did you like the first part of this collection of imagines? I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to leave suggestions in the comments so I can write stuff that you guys want to read. Make sure you vote for this part if you enjoyed it, and save this book in your library if you'd like to read more and see what I'll write next.

Thank you for the support.

-the author

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