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Brian was going to pick up Caroline for the date but he was running late. Being the over thinker that she was, Caroline was freaking out internally.

'What if he never liked me at all?' Caroline discussed in her head.

'Don't be ridiculous, he probably is just running late.'

'What if he fell down the stairs!'

'He didn't fall down the stairs calm down, it could have been traffic.'

'What if he got into a car crash!!'


'He's probably unconscious from the force of the crash!!'

'No way, chill out Caroline.'

'WHAT IF HE'S DEAD!' This is how Caroline's thought process usually went.

Just then Caroline's cell phone rang and she jumped. She looked down at the caller identification and saw that it was Brian. She answered immediately.

"Hey, Caroline, It's Brian. My car broke down. Could you pick me up?"

"Yeah, Brian, I can do that. Just tell me where you are."


Brian wasn't hard to find because he was the only person on the side of the road eating french fries. Caroline parked her car near him and got out.

"Brian!" She waved her arms to get his attention.

Brian looked over from his food and walked to Caroline. "Hey, Caroline." He started half jogging.

"Get in the car."

"Thanks. Do you want some fries." He tilted the carton twards her.

"Yeah, thanks."

Brian got in the passenger side then Caroline got in.

"I'm sorry I can't take you out today. Maybe next Saturday when my car is fixed."

"You could use my car today if you want."

"Really? I don't want it if it would burden you."

"Yeah it's fine. Just let me stop at this service station for gas."

"Caroline, I wouldn't stop there, that's where Janet works."

"I'm sure it will be fine. She wouldn't risk losing her job to do anything."

"Okay whatever you say."

Caroline pulled into the gas station and left Brian in the car as she went in to pay for gas. Janet was at the counter and Caroline sighed when she saw her.

"Hello, Caroline. How may I help you?" Janet smiled.

"I'd like to pay for gas please." Caroline tried smiling back too.

"I see you didn't listen to my warning." Janet was looking out at Caroline's car.

"Brian asked me out. Plus you have Bill."

"Bill is only my boyfriend. You'd be surprised to know how many boys in relationships would date others too."

"Well I came here to by gasoline, here." She paid and walked out.

She filled up her car quickly and then let Brian take the wheel.

"Where are we going, Brian?" Caroline didn't really recognize this part of town.

"It's a surprise." Brian smiled.

He continued to drive until they were at an overgrown lot with a large tree. Brian got out and opened Caroline's door. He walked over to the tree and pulled Caroline along.

"Brian, where are we?"

"I'll tell you after we climb into the fort."

He climbed a rope ladder up to a small wooden tree house and Caroline followed. Brian turned on an electric lantern and motioned for Caroline to sit down.

"When I was little I used to come up here with my brother Sam. We used to talk about our dreams and pretend we were part of the Danish Resistance during World War Two."

"That sounds like it was fun."

"It was. I have some fast food I brought. do you want some?"

"Yes definitely. Fast food is my favorite, thank you."

The date was fun and they shared stories and laughed. Caroline took Brian home and when they got to his house he invited Caroline to walk with him to the door.

"I had a great time, Brian."

"I did too, Caroline. You're really fun to be around."

Caroline gave him a hug and Brain kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and could hear him smiling too.

"Do you want to make this our Saturday thing, Caroline?"

"Yeah I'd like that."

"Okay it's a deal, bye."

"Bye." She waved and drove home.

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