Chapter 27: An Addition to the Alliance

Start from the beginning

"That must be why she was so mad at Tala..." Blaze murmurs from beside me.

"We wish to return the orb to you, but we do not know where it is," I explain, "Tala's journal said that we need an audience with a Naiad, which we have now, but we also need a certain enchantment."

"The enchantment is kept in the palace," Blaze starts, "That is why I said that we need permission to cross earlier."

"If you need access to the palace in order to restore the Orb of Harmony, then you have my permission to cross the lake, but you must swim across," Neredia says.

"Swim across?" Salem frowns, "In our regular clothes?"

"Oh," Neredia frowns for a moment, "I can help with that."

Neredia whirls around and holds her hands out before a bright glow surrounds her hands and then all of us. Our outfits magically transform into swimsuits of all different kinds and Neredia smiles in accomplishment.

"Before you leave I will transform you back into your regular outfits," Neredia says before moving aside, "You may now swim across. I wish you the best of luck."

I stare down at my dark purple two-piece swim suit that has two black ribbons on the side of the swimming bottoms and when I look back up I find Salem staring at me with his lips parted and a dazed expression.

"Er, Salem?" I call out to him.

He shakes his head and clears his throat before smiling weakly at me. My eyes trail over him and suddenly I find myself staring at his well toned figure.

"Let's get going," He says and I snap out of my daze.

This time I'm the one giving him the weak smile and I blush slightly before nodding.

"Asher!" Blaze yells and Salem and I turn to face her.

"Sorry," Asher shrugs, "It was a compliment."

"Who says you get to call me hot?!" Blaze yells and pushes him into the lake.

He laughs as he surfaces and she glares at him.

"Come on, Princess," Asher smirks and starts swimming towards the castle.

Blaze sighs and jumps in after him. Salem and I turn to each other and shrug before jumping in after Blaze and the others follow. It takes us about five or six minutes, but we all eventually make it across the lake. I climb up onto the shore, my hands gripping the cold, water soaked sand. I stand up and then after we all dry off for the most part we head up the hill and to the giant, silver and white castle. More trees with leaves made of water surround the castle, and we cross the brown, wooden bridge that rests over a chasm and connects our side of the ground to the castle. A few hedges and shrubs surround the gate to the castle itself, which slowly raises upwards and allows us to pass through. We make it to the front doors shortly after and as I press my hand onto one of the cool, metal doors with blue dots dotting the trim, it slowly creaks open with a loud, metallic clang.

"Hello?" I call out into the dark castle, "Is anyone here?"

I turn back to the group and shrug before pushing the door open the entire way and walking inside. I stare around at the grand corridor that has a fountain in the center of it, as well as two staircases that protrude upwards and to a balcony with two visible, brown, wooden doors. Streaks of water run through the white, marble, floor tile, but are covered over with glass so that they don't get anything wet.

"Perhaps we should split up?" Svetlana suggests.

"Yeah," Corliss nods, "I'll go with Amorette."

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