Reminding Birthday

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      I opened my eyes as light peaked though the edges of my light blue curtains. Today, was my fifteenth birthday. Unlike most teenager my age, I was not excited about today. Most fifteen-year-olds the feeling of freedom in their heart, a smile beaming on their face as they wait in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, and displaying their permit to all their friends and family. Today, for me was just another day to be reminded that I no longer fit into society. I got dressed and walked down the hall toward the kitchen, admiring the cool feeling of the glossy, wooden floors. I walked into the kitchen, and stood in the sunlight that the wall made of windows provide. I closed my eyes, feeling the heat hug my body tightly, and the sunlight settle on my skin. When I turned around there was a stack of fresh pancakes on a plate in my mother's hands. I smiled at her and she smiled back, setting the plate of pancakes on the wooden table. Walked over to plate and sat down. As I was feasting on the syrup-soaked, fluff, a small box was pushed in front of me. I opened the box, reveling a small silver chain, with a charm, that read "Strong", dangling from it. I looked up at my mother and smiled half-heartedly. I know this gift was meant to be motivating, but really it just reminded me more of the accident. My mother smiled brightly, thinking I liked my gift, then pointed to a small card tucked inside the box.  

      "Darling, I know life is hard. I am so proud how strong you are. This necklace is to remind you to stay strong no matter how hard life is." I read the card. 

     "Thank you, Mom." I told her. Once I finished my breakfast I grabbed my coat and headed toward the door. As I turned around to grab my key off of the keyboard, my mother was standing, looking at me.  

      "Where are you going?" She asked, slowly. 

      "Just out for a walk. Also, you don't have to talk so slowly. I can understand you if you talk at normal speed." I told her. She smiled and waved. I turned and opened the heavy door, making sure it closed behind me. I walked down the street, enjoying the fresh, cool, autumn air. I reached the local park and went up to a brightly colored cart. "Can I get a water, please?" I asked the vender. The digital cash register sign flashed $1.50. I handed the vender the money and in return, handed me an ice cold bottle. I settled down a wooden bench, facing a fountain that lie in the center of the park. I took a sip of the icy water, and sighed happy from not being reminded of my birthday today. I glanced at a old tree, about two hundred yards from the fountain. I smiled at the color-changing leaves. Soon, they would fall and then be fallowed by the falling of pearly, white snow. I closed my eyes, imagining the soft sound of leaves scrapping across the pavement, then them rising and circling in the soft whooshing of the wind. I pictured the snow white ground, and the gently crunch of the snow being pushed underneath my boots. The soft humming of Christmas tree lights, and the Church chorus singing carols.  

     Opening my eyes, then become sad when I realized it was just all in my head. Wanting no longer to be in the park I go up, and starting walking home. The perspiration on the water bottle, caused it to slip out of my hand and roll out onto the pavement. Without thinking, I walking into the street and picked up the bottle. I stood up and looked over my right shoulder, seeing a black, SUV plowing towards me. All the horrid memories flooding back in. The black truck running the red light. The crunching of the metal. My father's limp body in the driver's sit. The warm, eerie feeling of blood running down my cheeks. Screaming out, but hearing no sound. After the images ended, I was plunged back into reality. The SUV halted to a stop, the driver getting out of the car. Their lips moving so fast I couldn't read them. So many emotions were running though my head at once, and I had no idea what to do. I started running back towards home, whipped the door open and collapsed onto the wooden floor. The coolness numbing my throbbing mind like Novocain. I would do anything to be able to hear again, even the tiniest sound. Just to hear the sound of myself crying right now...


Hey guys. Here is another short story for you. I know its sadder than what I normally write. Let me know what you think. To contact me send me a private messege or a comment :) Ok thanks for reading. If you like it spread the word :)

-Sydney Jay

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