Roy asked Quinn if Gall was going to be coming to which Quinn shrugged his shoulders. "I made sure he knew whether he chooses to come is up to him. He's wrapped up in his training right now." Nick than asked if there was any problems with the holding cells. "I'm not aware of any problems no. Though you're the one who designed them, so I'm sure they'll hold up for many years to come."

They were speaking about the cells that Nick had designed to hold Skorge, Zant, and Typhon. He'd been asked by Omen to help Doctor Ramon come up with sufficient holding cells for powerful demons. Omen may not have given them up to the humans, but he still deemed them guilty and has since sentenced Skorge to prison for the rest of his natural life, which who knows how long it would be now that he didn't have his powers. Zant was sentenced to a century, and the pair of them were even allowed weekly visits with the other as reward for their part in defeating Legion. No one was expecting Omen to lock up his brother however. Equal justice is what Omen called it, and sentenced Typhon to ten generations in prison. Which meant he would never hold his grandchild, or see his youngest daughter in person again a punishment that Omen said befitted his crime. Which also showed the world that he would be a very firm but fair leader among the demons.

Lauren sat back against her seat and leaned on Roy's shoulder while she watched this family that she'd gained since she met Leon. It still wasn't complete, Rite and Gall weren't here, but then neither were Arianna-Gaia, Reamus, Doctor Ramon, or Kayos. The original Demon Council stayed on the Chain, though Kayos like Skorge was losing his powers. The crimson shade in his eyes had been fading and his legs didn't heal fully yet. He could walk but with the assistance of a cane. He claimed to be getting stronger everyday but they all knew that was a lie. He was as good as he was going to be, his fights from Kane onward had made him use up far too much of his power just as Skorge had done against Legion. He was steadily becoming an E-class.

When Lauren had to go through her citizenship process she and Roy had stayed with Kayos. She hated it at first because of the relationship this man had with Leon but as time went on she found herself seeing Kayos no longer as the monster that terrorized his son, but as a man who genuinely cared for the family he had left. However the bridge between him and his first born was left forever burned. This was made completely clear by the message Leon had scribbled on the wall of his old room. There was a goals list and one of the top goals he'd had was gain father's love. Kayos had told him he left Leon's room completely alone and that when he got back he'd found a new message and a goal on the wall.

Simply put it read. Be a better man and father than Kayos ever was to me.

Kayos still hadn't changed the room even after Leon had trashed it and requested that they do the same. Lauren had respected his wishes and though she knew that she herself could never truly forgive Kayos for what he did to Leon, she saw that he was trying to be a good father to his last remaining son. And for that she had to at least respect him, for trying to amend one mistake he'd made before he burned the bridge completely like he'd done with Leon.

Lauren asked Roy if he wanted to call both of his dad's to tell them the good news. They being Kayos, and Blake the human who had raised Roy. He wasn't too happy about Roy choosing to move to Ryna but he didn't try stopping him either, given Roy's situation Blake knew that it was something Roy had to do.

Smiling Roy kissed her on the lips before getting up and moving away from the commotion so that he could call both of his fathers. On the way out though he passed both Gall and Rite who had come to see Leon's baby. They might not have known each other long but it was clear to everyone that Leon had left a lasting impression on the both of them. Gall was more determined to become more like Leon and protect the family he had, while Rite in his traditional mindset saw Leon as an almost godly figure. He'd informed Lauren that he'd make sure Leon's name would never be forgotten by his L'ok and not long after the tale of 'The Light' was added to the Noir. Rite even told her about how his and all the other L'oks had taken to praying to the red ball of light that was still shining brightly three months after Leon gave his life to stop Legion.

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