Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

"Ian?" I asked, shell shocked. What was he doing here? More importantly, how did he get in? He looked at me with that puppy dog expression which had me melting when we were going out. That expression which got him out of trouble.

"Hey," Ian shrugged uncomfortably. "Uh... How are you?"

I raised my eyebrows at him. "I'm good Ian. What are you doing here?"

"Arabella, I'm so sorry. You weren't answering my calls, you weren't talking to me, I had no choice." He said, I could see the desperation on his face. Before I could talk though, Dave spoke.

"Do you want me to remove him from here Ms. Marquez?"

I turned towards him and shook my head, "No Dave, its alright. Ian, lets go inside."

Ian smiled a smile that would have my insides go all warm and fuzzy just months ago. He was a handsome guy, I had to admit that. His blond tousled hair fell perfectly on his forehead, his light green eyes shone. He had a body of a surfer, lean and tall.

"Isn't your grandma home?" Ian asked as we walked in. I shook my head. We walked into the posh living room, much too extravagant for my taste. The maid, Cassie came rushing in.

"Should I get you anything Ms. Marquez?"

I shook my head, "No Cassie, I'm fine." I turned to Ian. "Do you want anything?"

"I'm fine," Ian said uncomfortably. He was always uncomfortable here, with all the maids at beck and call. Cassie left and I sat down on the single seat, forcing Ian to take the couch.

"Why are you here?" I asked, cutting straight to the chase.

"I want you back Ar," he said. "Its been hell without you."

I sighed. "Look Ian, you know as well as I do why I can't be with you. Don't waste your time. Its over."

"Don't say that!" Ian protested.

"I can't be with someone who keeps secrets Ian. You know that, and honestly I don't think we will work out either."

"I can't tell you," Ian sighed.

"So you are keeping a secret?" I asked, k,owing very well what the answer was going to be. He knew as well as me. This was the first time he was admitting to it.

"Yes," Ian said, sounding defeated. "I am. But I really cannot tell you."

"Then there isn't really a reason for us to have this conversation then, is it?" I sighed softly.

"Ar, don't be like that," Ian murmured.

"Don't be like what Ian?" I questioned.

"Please Ar, hear me out," he pleaded.

I stared at him. "I already did. Leave Ian, please."

He didn't say a word, and I didn't either. Five minutes he got up and walked out without a word. I stared at his retreating back. I didn't like secrets. Especially when the person who kept them from you was someone you loved.

I loved Ian. But he had been keeping secrets the entire time we went out and it was obvious. It was plainly obvious. He would outright deny it, but I knew it. So did Shay and Hannah.

"Hey sis," Hannah's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and smiled at her. "How come your sitting here?"

"Ian visited," I answered and concern crossed her face. I knew what she was going to ask, so I spoke. "I'm okay. He was just being him."

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