Chapter Twenty - Loss of a king

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"Bilbo..." Thorin croaks as I move forwards quickly

"Don't move! Don't move! Lie still!" Bilbo cries as he flutters around before looking to Thorin's wound just as I come up beside him

"Oh!" Bilbo gasps as I kneel beside him

"I'm glad you're here... Both of you" Be whispers

"Shh." Bilbo croons

"I wish to part from you both in friendship." Thorin ignores Bilbo's heeds

"No. You are not going anywhere, Thorin. You're going to live."

"I would take back my words and my deeds at the gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me...I was too blind to see. I'm so sorry that I have led you into such peril." He coughs up blood.

"No, no, I'm glad to have shared in all your perils, Thorin - each and every one of them. And it's far more than any Baggins deserve." They both smile at each other

"Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books and your armchair. Plant your trees - watch them grow. If more people valued home above gold this world would be a merrier place."

I push forward "You must live, for your people. For your nephew..." I was interrupted

"Fili is dead then?"

"You and I both saw him fall, Azog murdered him. Kili still lives though, he needs your guidance"

Thorin laughs coughing up more blood. "You would be a better ruler that I ever could be, promise you will help him?" I bowed my head "Promise?"

I nodded "I promise to stay by his side for as long as I am needed, I vow to you Thorin Oakenshield that I will help your people whenever am able, Durin's son or not"

"Thank you Elbereth, that is all I can ask from you, please forgive me. Promise me you will find the One to pull you from the shadows, find the One who will walk with you until you can bear the light"

I smiled through tears "You were forgiven before it even happened, I promise" Thorin closes his eyes

"No! No! No! No! No! No! Thorin! Oh don't you dare!" Bilbo cries grabbing Thorin's hand. I placed a comforting hand on Bilbo's shoulder as Thorin struggles to draw breath.

"Go, be at peace my king, you will be remembered for your brave acts Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle" I spoke in Elvish "May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back" Thorin lets out his last breath and passes from this realm

"Thorin, Thorin, wake up. The eagles...the eagles...the eagles are here. Thorin...the eag..." Bilbo cries rocking back and forth tears streaming down his face. I move back and phased unwillingly my body wracked with grief, I sat on my haunches and throw my head back and let out the most gut-wrenching howl I could muster.

The mournful sound told of my sorrows, of the death of ones whom I loved, of all the sadness I had experienced. The sound trailed off and I took a breath to howl again, this one had a sharp edge, an edge that promised to destroy those who dared destroy the rest of the line of Durin, a promise to stand by the side of the new King under the Mountain.

I hung my head breathing slowly before curling around Thorin whimpering as I tried to keep the old king warm as the battle below ceased. The remaining Company filed up the hill and knelt before the king and paid their respects, a couple of them moved forward and went to pick him, I growled and snapped at them when they got too close.

Tauriel came closer, Kili leaning on her. He came close and collapsed in front of me, I uncurled slightly so he could see his uncle. I whined and curled back up "Tula Uuma dela" (Come here, don't worry) Tauriel called gently. "Let them bury him with dignity" She crooned as I moved from Thorin's side. I gave him one last look before reaching down and licking the hair out of his face.

I then moved in front of Kili and tucked a paw under my chest, the other in front of my nose as I lowered my front half in a sloppy bow, I them moved up and licked the side of his face before stepping next to him and hugging his side closely as Thorin's body was moved back into Erebor.

The burial was that day, Horns echoed through the valley covered with smoking piles of Orc flesh, Dale in morning for the good men they lost, for the new widows, the orphans. The cry was written with sorrow and told the tale of what they had lost, in acknowledgement of what they lost.

During the mourning period, Dale is going through dwarves march solemnly through the halls of Erebor, each Dwarf dressed in their weathered armour, each covered in the dust of battle and even some with blood on them. I walk beside Kili still yet to remove myself from his side. When the pallbearers stop the Dwarves behind the pallbearers move silently to the sides, the company took the front row, and a Darrowdam, Dis I believe her name was stood on Kili's other side, Both Fili and Thorin's bodies are lowered into the stone tombs and Dis lets out a wail clutching Kili's side, I look up to her in sadness, it was my fault. I nudged her hand and licked it gently.

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