Chapter 3

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When I woke up I felt someone snuggle closer to me, Erin. "Baby, Hey, Baby wake up." I cooed in her ear to wake her up. "W-what" she whispered in a sleepy voice. "It's the start of a new day wake up." I laughed. "No, I wanna cuddle." She groaned. "Too bad, Alex and Nick left about an hour ago saying that they needed to do something" I said standing up. "Hey, you were warm get back here" she laughed. I picked her up bridal style. She started laughing. "What's with all the laughing?'" her dad asked as he walked down the stairs. "And why is he shirtless!?" that caused her to laugh louder. "I don't get whats so funny." I said. "H-His, y-your, f-face" she laughed out. "Oh?" I questioned. "Can you put my daughter down and put on a shirt." her papa glared. "Sorry..." I whispered and put her on the bed while slipping on my shirt. "Yeah yeah, breakfast is ready." he said and left the room. "You're in deeeeeep shit" she laughed. "For?" I asked. "Not wearing a shirt to bed. Duh." she giggled and ran upstairs. "AAAAAAAxxxxxxeeeeelllll, come on!" Erin screamed from upstairs. "Coming!" I yelled and started running up the steps. "Good morning Axel" Mr.McGuire says as I walk up the steps "good morning sir." I say back and go up to Erin "Hey baby" she giggles as I hug her back. "Hey Sunshine, listen I have to go home before my pop realizes I didn't come home last night okay?" I say into her shoulder she sighs "Oh,okay see you at school?" she asked "yep bye lovey" I say and kiss her cheek before walking out of the house.

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