CHAPTER 2 -The Turn Off-

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I mentioned my feelings to my best friend and she was hapy because for the first time I was able to get over my many break downs. Onr of my friends came to me and proposal I wish I hadn't heard.

"I heard that you liked Jay, Is this true"

She asked in a pleased voice yet with anger in her eyes.

"Yes, Is there a problem with that"

I responded with my face as bright as the morning sun. She didn't bother to respond again she walked away.

The following week I started to receive messages from her saying that what me and Jay have will soon be over. How can what is not happening be over? I ignored them I avoided him my life was going on perfectly fine. Jay came to me in anger asking

"Why did you ignore her?"

He asked over and over
"She was way out of her line to come to you in the first place" He continued.

"I agree but it was not worth it to be in and argument with someone I've known so long for a boy" I answered.

"So why didn't you tell me you liked me?" He asked  while nodding him head. I gazed into him brown eyes and could no help myself in admiring the smile he gave me "I'm not sure, I was Scared I guess" I whispered. He steped closer to me and held my hands he looked in my eyes and smiled 😊

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