CHAPTER 1 -The Charm-

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By his smile and his perfect posture I allowed my self to be Captivated and thus I was hurt.
I always was the quiet one always humble and never the one to express my problems, but with him it was different. On the first day of school I entered the class as confident as always minding my own business, I look around to familiarize myself with the other students but he was the one I was drawn to.

I didn't believe it was possible for in past year we hated each other so how could this be? I noticed that most of my classes he was assigned to I was a little pissed but kind of glad.

Accounts was the class we finally got the chance to comunicate in. He was basically my partner, my help when I was lost he also became someone I admire. Not for his brains but because he understanded that work was work, he understood my weaknesses my strengths, he understood me.

Nothing last forever. I tried to by no pass such a strong cliché but it was too difficult to pass.

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