
12 1 1

Yes, what happened yesterday really got to me. Justin may have been drunk,  but he did really hit me. Hard. Jackson always said, "Don't touch Justin when he's drunk. He takes everything as a sexual contact." Well, haven't noticed that. He even kicked Ethan, because he thought it was me. 

"Han, breakfast time. Or since it's 12 o'clock already, I guess we could say lunch time? Let's just call it brunch." Martin says as he gave me a sweet smile. I laugh and nod as a sign that I'm coming. I put my magazine away, get off the bed and walk into the living room. During 'brunch' it is incredibly quiet. Just an unsociable and akward silence. No one says anything or does anything. It's quite boring. "Okay, this is not okay. Let's never play truth or dare again. This will ruin our whole 2 last days " Says Ethan then. "Gee, did you just discover that now? " Emma asks sarcastically. Ethan sighs and puts his sandwich into his mouth.

"Em, how about a lil walk in the woods?" Martin asks. Emma nods. "Yeah sure I missed our walks." She laughs. Emma and Martin have been close to neighbors and always got a long really well. Not in a romantic kind of way, but in a good friends/ neighbors kind of way where they just talk a lot and know a lot about each other.  

"Dave, Jack, will you come with me to the grocery store? I think we need quite a lot and I don't think it will be fun if we have to buy all that stuff tomorrow." Says Ethan then. Jackson and Dave nod and stand up from the couch. "Oh, so you dare to leave me alone with him?" I say, confused. 

"Yeah, why not?" Says Dave.

 "Because he may beat me again?" I say, confused. 

"God you know I'm not drunk right now. Don't be such a baby." Justin defends himself.

 "You see, nothing to worry about, then? You can stay here together. We won't be gone long " Jackson says and he gives me a pat on my shoulder. I look at him with my evil eyes. And I mean really evil, evil as in 'if looks could kill then Jack would be as dead as ever.' evil. 

He grins only a moment and then he walks away. I slowly breathe in and out when the door  closes.

 "So ..." Sighs Justin.

 "Shut up." I say.

"God having a temper?." he bounces right back.




Then the door opens again and immediately we keep our mouths shut  again. "We can hear you outside. This really is the very, very very last chance you get. You're lucky that I'm Dave and not Ethan. " Dave says then. We look at him and then he walks out of the house again. I sigh and grab a blanket from the box and then I turn on the fireplace and purely out of boredom sit down in front of it to see how the color of the fire keeps changing. 

"May I join you?" Justin sighs. 

I hear the boredom in his voice. "If you just grab your own blanket and keep your distance." I say. 

"Did you really think I was going to sit right next to you?" Justin asks. "With you and your weird plans, you never know." I say as I shrug my shoulders. Justin sighs and grabs a blanket as he sit next to me with a few inches between us. "White, orange, red. White orange red. " I mutter as my eyes go up and down over the fire. 

"The TV is boring." Justin sighs. "And I thought you looked like spongebob?" I tease. 

"Sometimes." He says and he shrugs his shoulders, as if nothing cares. 


"Are you cold too?" I ask after a while. "Yeah, I'll look if I can set the heater a bit higher." Justin says. I nod and Justin stands up. He walks over to the heater and starts pressing some numbers and turning knobs. "Fuck. It can't go higher..." Justin sighs.

I effing hate you. {JB fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon