Chapter Seven: Avatar Roku (Solstice Pt 2) ☄️

Start from the beginning

A Fire Nation soldier cuts the catapult's rope and the fiery projectile is hurtled into the air. I begin playing with my nose ring, something I tend to do when I'm filled with anxiety. Appa swerves just in time and the fire ball sails over his head.

Suddenly, I remember what happens next and I step closer to Zuko. "Umm... we are going to have a problem." I say as I point ahead and three seconds later it comes into view.

His golden eyes widen. "A blockade!" We can see a double line of Fire Nation war ships stretching over the horizon.

Iroh is pulling on his beard thoughtfully. "Technically you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you." Zuko glares at his Uncle and I just want to reach over and slap him. His uncle is only trying to help him. Why can't he see that?

"He's not turning around." Zuko asserts firmly.

If I didn't know what was going to happen, I'd say he is going to get us killed. I decide to just keep my mouth shut.

"Please Prince Zuko, if the Fire Nation captures you, there is nothing I can do." He pleads. "Do not follow the Avatar." Iroh raises his voice, sounding angry again. "What about Grey? Are you really going to put her in danger? After all she has done to protect you?" Zuko gazes over at me and his eyes look sad.

I reach out and place my hand on his shoulder. "Iroh, it's okay. There is absolutely nothing either of us can say to change his mind. You know how stubborn he is." I look a Zuko with a sad smile.

Zuko bows his head, and his shoulders tense. "I'm sorry, Uncle, Grey." Turning to his helmsman, he points forward, "Run the blockade!"

After a moment, I walk over and grab his hand, he looks down at me in surprise. I reach up with my free hand and gently touch his cheek, just under his scar as I stare into his topaz eyes. "You're already forgiven. We are in this together."

All of the anger is wiped away from his face and he looks at me with an expression I can't place. The static pull is so strong that I have to be closer, I place my head on his chest as I hug him. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other in my loose hair as he hugs me back.

After several seconds, I pull away before we get too close to the blockade. I don't want Commander Weasel to see how much I care for Zuko. I'm sure if he knew, he'd use it to his advantage like he does with everything else.

Fire balls begin sailing towards Zuko's ship, crashing into the water around us. A soldier is trying to keep his balance as the ship is rocked by waves created by the fireballs hitting the water close to the ship. One fireball lands extremely close to the ship and generates a wave that breaks across the deck.

Another fireball hits the back part of the ship. Prince Zuko braces himself against the catapult as I go flying into the railings. Ouch. That will be a bruise tomorrow, but at least I didn't fall overboard. Zuko looks back to make sure I am okay before he turns towards the front of the ship.

The engine master calls to Zuko, pointing to the billowing fire and smoke behind him. "Prince Zuko, the engines are damaged! We need to stop and make repairs!"

Zuko turns back towards the front of the ship. "Do not stop this ship."

I walk forward, standing next to him and Iroh again. Prince Zuko's ship is approaching the Fire Navy's blockade. We travel closer, the ships of the blockade move towards each other in order to bar our way.

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