"Leah, I don't expect you to, I just want you to know I'm sorry." I said and she nodded. "Alright, I got that. Can you leave now Alex cause I'm tired." Leah said and my heart sank. I couldn't sleep without her; this was going to be a long night. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I said standing up. "Yeah, I guess." Leah said. She laid down with her back to me and I placed my hand gently on her shoulder for a moment before leaving. I shut the door softly behind me and decided I wasn't going to be able to sleep on my own. I looked around at the bunks and decided on Jack's before pulling back the curtain and slipping in.

"Move over dude." I whispered poking him sharply in the stomach. "Alex, what are you doing?" Jack asked groggily but he moved over so I could lie beside him. "Can't sleep without Leah, gonna come lay with you." I told him. He groaned but didn't push me out and I took that as my time to wrap an arm around him and lean my head on his back. "Alex, if you're gonna cuddle with me I need to be the big spoon or else get the fuck off." Jack said and I decided I didn't want to not cuddle so I rolled over and Jack wrapped his arm around me. "Why can't I be the big spoon?" I whined before yawning and I felt Jack shrug. "I'm bigger, go to sleep." he told me and I shut my eyes.

*Leah's POV*

I lay awake in the back of the bus the entire night, Alex's voice replaying over and over in my head. I couldn't help but be upset about my boyfriend, the man I loved with all my heart calling me a bitch. Even if he was upset or whatever it didn't change the fact that the words had come out of his mouth. Finally the sun started to come up and I decided to get off of the couch and do something productive. The guys were playing earlier than usual today so I decided to go see if Matt needed some help. I tied my hair up before walking out of the back and into the front. Zack and Matt were the only ones awake and Zack was eating a bowl of cereal while Matt typed something on his laptop.

"Good morning." Zack said once he swallowed his mouthful of cereal and I gave him a small forced smile. "Morning." I said before starting to make myself a bowl of cereal. "Still upset? We can torture him today if you'd like." Zack said and I shrugged. "He apologized last night." I said as I poured Fruity Pebbles into the bowl before pouring milk on top. "Still, he needs to stop being so mean. You were just trying to take care of him." Matt said and I shrugged again. "I guess I deserved it, I shouldn't have pushed him off my lap like that. I could have really hurt him." I said softly before going to sit beside Zack. I didn't notice that the guys were staring at me like I was crazy until I lifted my head and looked over at them. "What?" I asked confused. "You. Leah I can't believe you." Zack said and I looked at him still confused. "Zack, what do you mean?" I asked after he didn't say anything.

"I mean you're so different it's kind of scary. The old Leah would have torn up Alex and wouldn't have agreed with him. You aren't a bitch and you should stick up for yourself more." Zack said before standing up and walking away. I looked over at Matt and he nodded, "He's right you know, you don't deserve the bullshit, stick up for yourself." he said and then he followed Zack's lead, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I growled in annoyance before placing my bowl on the table not really feeling hungry anymore as my stomach churned with guilt. I knew I shouldn't take anyone's shit but I guess being with Chase for so long I was just so used to it.

I had just wrapped my arms around my knees when Rian walked in. "Leah, you gotta come see this." he said before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the bunks. "Rian-" I tried to say, "Shush." Rian said cutting me off. I scowled at him but didn't say anything as he led me to Jack's bunk. The curtain was pulled back and Zack and Matt were in front of it trying to stifle their giggles. I raised an eyebrow but when I saw inside the bunk I knew why they were laughing. Alex and Jack were laying together, Jack's arm tightly around Alex and his head on Alex's shoulder. I bit down on my lip and ran off to go find Alex's IPhone. When I found it in his bunk I unlocked it before going back over to the sleeping men. I snapped a picture of the guys and sent it to Alex's mom, Jack's mom, me and all of the guys. "Should I tweet this?" I asked evilly while fiddling with my hair.

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