50 Shades of Grey

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He'd probably like to beat seven shades of shit out of me. The thought is depressing.

"Please don't hit me," I whisper, pleading.

"You scare me when you're angry," I breathe, staring at him.

I don't want him to beat me, is that so unreasonable?

'Are you having second thoughts?'
He shifts as if uncomfortable.
Holy crap. How did this suddenly become such an intense and meaningful conversation? It's been sprung on me, like an exam that I'm not prepared for. What do I say? Because I think I love you, and you just see me as a toy. Because I can't touch you, because I'm too frightened to show you any affection in case you flinch or tell me off or worse - beat me? What can I say?

"How did you find me?"
'I tracked your cell phone.'
Oh, of course he did. How is that possible? Is it legal?

He pulls up outside my duplex. I belatedly realize he's not asked me where I live - yet he knows. But then he sent the books, of course he knows where I live. What able, cell-phone-tracking, helicopter owning, stalker wouldn't.

Of course he doesn't ask me for my mother's address. He knows it already, stalker that he is. When he pulls up outside the house, I don't comment. What's the point?

"Next time you'll be in the cargo hold, bound and gagged in a crate."

You can't write things like that to me - bound and gagged in a crate - (Were you serious or was it a joke?) That scares me... you scare me...

But his moods... oh - and he wants to hurt me. He says he'll think about my reservations, but it still scares me.

'I wondered what your bedroom would look like,' he says.
I glance around it, plotting an escape route, no - there's still only the door or window.
"No," I protest, trying to kick him off.
He stops.
'If you struggle, I'll tie your feet too. If you make a noise, I will gag you."

Thank you to whoever made this honestly

-----there are probably more but here's the (probably) important ones

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there are probably more but here's the (probably) important ones

Seriously, if people say this is not abuse/manipulation then they need help.




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