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"Gotcha!" The large man says.

I didn't know what to do.

I completely messed up the plan and it was all my fault!

All I could do what look at the man in terror as I was frozen with fear.

"You're mine!" He says as he holds up a knife.

"Not today!" Avi says before hitting the man in the leg with a baseball bat.

"Run, Mitchie!" Avi says to me.

I run as fast as I could to where Scott was and I couldn't stop apologizing.

"It's okay, Mitch. Take this and run! The cops are on their way here now. We just have to hold them off for a few more minutes." Scott says before running away.

The large man Avi had hit was now up and chasing after him.

The few other men were chasing after everyone else.

I was still hiding behind the garage as everyone else was being chased into the open land on either side of the house.

Then I seen Kirstie walk out the back door looking for me.

"Mitchie! Mitchie, Mitchie! Where are you?" She says waving her gun around.

"Stop hiding! I wanna play, Mitchie!" She yells.

When she got to one side of the garage where I couldn't see her, I ran for my life back to the house.

I ran all the way to the front of the house hoping she wouldn't follow me there.

I then look around at everyone else and they are fighting with these large men who are trying to kill them.

"Mitchie, come out and play!" I hear Kirstie yell as she got closer to me.

I look over at Scott who now had the large man pinned to the ground.

He looks up at me and yells, "Mitch, watch out!"

Just then Kirstie tackles me to the ground and stands up and starts to kick me while I'm down.

Once she's done, she points her gun at me.

"You're mine now." She says looking angrily at me.

I close my eyes and just pray for a miracle.

Then I heard a stern voice yelling.

"Freeze! Put the gun down!"

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