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I got in the car and turned it on along with the radio.
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

And forget about the stupid little things

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

And the memories that never can escape

Cause I'm not fine at all

The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone

I'll admit I like to see them I'll admit I feel alone

And all my friends keep asking why I'm not aro-
I turned the radio off as the tears started to roll down my face

I pulled into Starbucks parking lot. I got out and started to walk in and immediately spotted Luke. I mean, blond hair, lip ring... Crowd of girls following him. Oh, did I mention my bff is Luke Hemmings?
"Hey Lu!"
We hugged and he kissed my cheek.
"What's wrong? I can tell you've been crying?"
"I just... I just miss him. It's not the same without him."
"I know. I mean, this has never happened to me, so I guess i don't, but I underst-"
"Luke. Shut up!"
"Oh, yeah, here's your coffee."
*ding* my phone went off. Probably my brother.
A few minutes later I got a call. Another text, another call. Text, call , text, call...
"Are you gonna get that?" Luke asked.
"Yeah. I probably should."
Adam and Noah were probably scared cause I'd been gone for over an hour and a half.
I called Adam back.
A: Hey! Ty, where the hell are you!? I've been worried.
T: I'm with Luke. Calm down.
A: But exactly WHERE are you?
T: Why do u need to know?
*hangs up*
"Everything okay?" Luke asks.
"Yeah. Just there's something I need to tell you."
*phone rings*
"Oh my god!" I look at my phone and it's Noah.
"Hold on let me take this."
T- Noah! chill out! I'm with Luke! We're both completely fine. I'll come back once I tell him what John told us.
N- okay. Love you
T- love you too
I hung up.
"Was that Adam?"
"Then why the hell were you saying love you too?"
"Luke, chill! It was Noah!"
"Your boyfriend?"
"No! My best friend that lives with us. The one that's moving to North Carolina with us!"
By now we were standing.
"You're moving?"
"Oh my god."
He grabbed me and our lips collided. I pulled away.
"We aren't even dating!"I exclaim.
"Oh, yeah..." he got on his knee."Tyler Sierra Winstead, I've liked you for a long time, but until right now I wasn't sure you felt the same way, especially because you just told Noah yo-"
"Luke, get to the point!"
"Right, sorry. Tyler, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Luke, I don't know what to say! I'm moving and..."
"If you say yes I owe your brother 20 bucks." A voice from behind me said.
I laughed. "Luke, Of course I would!" He gets up and I hug him.
"Wait." I pull back and turn around. There were five boys behind me.
"Oh my gosh! You guys are here!"
It was Cal, Ash, Mikey, and two of my best friends. Posey and Dylan!
"Hey Tyler." Posey said.
"Hey Tyler." I said back.
"Well, we came here from set! Give me a hug!" Posey said.
I hugged him.
"I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear.
"I know."
We pull away.
"How are you holding up? With Lee and everything?" He asked.
"I miss him so much. Sometimes I pretend he's still here." I reply
"Me too. And it feels like he is."
"Well, am I chop liver or something?" Dyl asks.
"Shut up Dylan." I say and hug him. Then I go and hug Calum, Ashton,and Michael.
We sit down and talk for a while. Then we decide it's time to go home.
"Hey, Tyler?" Posey asks.
"Yes, Tyler?"
"We'll be here until you leave. Me and Dyl. We want to be with you as much as we can before you leave."
"Oh my god! You guys that's 2 months! Is that okay?"
"Yeah! We just wrapped up the 5th season." Dyl says.
"I love you guys so much."
"Love you too!" They say in unison.
"So, I'm gonna go home now, if any of you want to come, you can."
Calum and Mikey have to go, but Ash, Dyl, Posey, and Luke are gonna come to my house. There, Luke and I are going to tell my brothers and uncle about us. Man, Noah&Adam are gonna be pissed off.
Posey and Dylan drove and Luke and Ash drove, and I drove. We got to my house to be met with Adam, Noah, Colt, and Josh playing basketball in the driveway.
When I pulled in everyone faced towards me.
Noah took the first step forward.
"Where the hell were you!"
"I told you guys. I was with Luke!"
"Where." His voice trembling.
"At Starbucks."
"Oh my god you guys we are idiots! Why didn't we think of that!" He exclaims.
"What I'm wondering is, why you're more worried than my brothers are!"
"Well..." he starts.
"We're all worried! Even Josh!" Adam yells.
Then Luke and ash pull up. They get out of the car to be greeted with a glare from Noah and Adam.
"Hey guys!" Ashton was being his usual happy self.
"Hey Ash." Everyone says.
Luke walks over to me and intertwined our hands.
"Um... what's he doing?" Noah asks.
"Noah, you do realize that Luke is right here?"
"I know."
I roll my eyes.
"Guys, we have someth-"
"What's up bitches?!?!!" Dylan yells at us.
"DYL!" Josh yells and runs over.
Dylan and Josh have been best friends since they were little. Then Dyl started hanging out with Posey and me. Then we moved, so...
"Hey JJ" he says.
"Hey Josh!" Posey.
"Hey Posey. How does it feel to be famous?"
"So... what did you want to tell us?"
"Me and Luke, we are-"
"I knew it! Let's get him!" Noah yells.
"Dude, I didn't even say anything!"
"Oh, sorry."
"He's my boyfriend."
"She's my girlfriend." We say at the same time.
Noah looks mad. Adam looks surprised. Posey&Dyl already knew, so... Josh was smirking.
"Dyl, Posey, pay up." Josh says.
They both gave him $20.
Three months later- moving day
So Luke and I had really enjoyed ourselves the past months. I had enjoyed having Posey and Dyl here. But today was the sad, dreaded day. Moving day. The day I would say goodbye to my home, friends, and boyfriend.
"Well, that's the last of them!" My uncle says way too enthusiastically. He shuts the back of the moving truck. Luke, Posey, Dyl, Ash, Cal, Mikey, and some of my closest girl friends, Layla, Haley, and Angelica were all there. So were some of the boys friends.
"Boys, Tyler, say goodbye." He says and gets in the truck.
I sighed. At least we get to take Noah, I thought.
"Well girls, I guess this is goodbye." I said and hugged each one.
"Cal, Mikey, Ash, you guys better not forget me once you guys get super famous. Love you guys!"
"Excuse me! We are already super famous, for your information!" Mikey says sassily. "But, we won't forget you."
I hugged them too. The girls and Cal, Mikey, and Ash left.
"Posey, this might be one of the toughest goodbyes yet."
He laughed, but he was crying, like me.
"We've been friends for as long as I can remember. You were always there for me. When life got tough I went to you, you could always make me laugh. I love you so much." I said And hugged him.
"How long did that take you to write?" He whispered in my ear. I laughed.
"Thirty two minutes and 46 seconds."
"Yeah, cause I totally timed myself while trying to think of what to say to you guys."
We laughed and he kissed my cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you too!"
He walked off and told Dyl he would be in the car.
"Dylan, you've always been like a brother to me. You were always around. I took you for granted! I just assumed you'd always be there, but when you left to film, I missed you and Posey so much. Love you."
We hugged and cried.
"Love you too Ty." He said and got in Posey's car.
"Luke, I can't even..." I choked up.
"It's okay babygirl." He said and put his arms out for a hug.
"I love you."
"I love you."
"Shh... it's okay! We'll be okay." I don't know if he was soothing me or himself.
"Luke, I love you."
"Baby girl, I love you too." He paused. "But I think it'd be best if we just... I can't do long distance." He looks angry with himself. "I'm sorry."
"Hurry up Tyler! We're waiting!" My uncle yells.
"I know it'd be hard. But that's okay, it's your decision. Even if we aren't dating anymore, we are still staying in touch."
"Will do. Love you."
It was hard to say the next words without my voice shaking.
"Love you."
And that was goodbye.

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