Natray & Loke x Gajeel

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(Gray & Natsu are mated/ bonded and are also a happily married couple... And still Loke x Gajeel cause why not???)

Ironeater🍆- Loke, where are u??

Loke🍑♌- don't worry, fat ass, I'm in the kitchen...

Ironeater🍆- look, I may love you...

"Excuse me, you MAY love me?! Oh HELL NO! Be cause so help me Mavis I will kick you out myself?!"

"No, Loke I DO love you don't you EVER doubt that, because my feelings are never going to change... But, what I was trying to say was that even though I love you, I shouldn't have to deal with your sassiness."

Loke🍑♌- I luv u 2

Gajeel looked down as his phone made a whistle noise.

"I love you as well, Loke."

Loke just walked up to where Gajeel was standing and pulled him down for a more than fierce kiss.
They spent the rest of the day in their bed  and the sounds of pleasure and pain strung together as their bed post made huge dents in the wall due to the impact.

~married/ mated (bonded) Natray~

Gray's_fire_king🔥❄- when are gonna come home?? I miss u

"I'm right here, sorry the guild got over protective again..."

"Oh, but if they ever keep you that long again I will go down there and answer their questions myself got it?!"
(Natsu) seriously scared Gray to the spiritual world and back.

(Gray) It made him over relieved to have him worry about him so much that Gray could practically feel radiating off of him.

"Natsu, I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes, and I love you just as much." Natsu  got close enough to wrap his tanned, strong arms around Gray while Gray did the same thing to Natsu's neck, but with his pale arms instead.
They kissed and felt the spark light up all over again, as did their love for each other.

"I love you, Natsu Dragneel/ Gray Dragneel." they had said together in perfect unison...

They really do love each other....

Fairy Tail texts: starring Natray/Gratsu, Loke x Gajeel etc.Where stories live. Discover now