She still remembers all those old days when she had no more than two readers reading her story, Highlight. Despite the lack of support, she worked really hard on each chapter. She constructed the words perfectly until it made sense. She thought about each chapter beforehand, wondering which would have caught the attention of readers so they would keep reading on.

Those days when those two readers wouldn't be there, when weeks passed and there were still no supports, she would feel discouraged. She often thought about discontinuing the story but every time she watched a video of SEVENTEEN, it lead her to continuing her story with passion.

Lee Chan was her bias. Or, now that he has debuted, Dino. He was older than her by two years, and she didn't feel that much of an age gap compared to the other members. Which was probably why she fell for him and why he was her bias among all the SEVENTEEN members.

Of course, that's until the bias wreckers take a toll, she thought, snickering under her breath.

She had nothing else to do on Wattpad so she moved on to YouTube to watch a few videos of SEVENTEEN. She began watching their backstage videos and other funny clips. Every time Dino would come into the camera—even if it was only for a few minutes—she'd have that silly smile on her face as she continued to stare at his face.

But she knew how the story was supposed to go in reality. If it was fanfiction, then anything could happen. An idol could fall in love with their fan girl in a fanfiction. After all, that's why they call it fanfiction, right? A fan's fictional world.

In reality, the idols would know of your presence and the things you do for them but they'd never feel that attraction they would in fanfiction. The idols wouldn't want to know as much about you because their status and your status are completely different.

An idol belonged not only to you, but to their entertainment, their parents and the entire fandom. They had more than just one fan girl out there writing fanfictions about them. Even if they'd know of you, that was the end. They'd know your name and over time, they'd eventually forget of your existence.

That was how reality goes.

Before Hyejin knew it, it was already time to leave to get to Waenji Publishing Company to finally meet her editor throughout the entire process. Hyejin wasn't really good with interacting with strangers, especially adults, so she has no idea how it will end up.

Hyejin always convinced herself there was an easier way to earn money. She always thought writing—while being locked in her room—about boys she idolized and love would get her somewhere, but her mom was always crushing her dreams.

"You should exercise, study or do chores instead of just sitting in front of that laptop all day."

Although, Hyejin was indifferent about her mother's suggestions. She knew what she wanted to do in life. She was so sure. Now that her dreams are finally coming true, her mom had no say in her being locked in her room all day writing sappy fanfictions about her idols.

On the way to Waenji Publishing Company, Hyejin was absorbed in the music playing from her earpieces. SEVENTEEN albums were lined up in her playlist as she slowly arrived at the company.

It was tall and definitely scaring her. She didn't know how to properly talk to strangers because she somehow had a fear of them. She didn't like talking to people she didn't know, especially when they were adults.

Luckily, for her, her dad was accompanying her as they entered.

A lady approached them with a friendly smile as she asked, "Are you Hwan Hyejin?"

His Fangirl, Her Fanboy || SEVENTEEN Fanfic Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin