Love at the Doorstep

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Blackjack flew home with no problem but once they landed on the moon lit grass Blackjack's wings exploded into a million tiny bubbles along with Ash's dress which exploded into her old servant outfit and her hair was put back and swept off her neck with braids surrounding the exterior. Her shoes were the same but she felt like some of the magic was still with her. She didn't know how or why but she felt like it was. Ash walked Blackjack back to his stable right outside the house and fed him some oats and carrots along with some sugar cubes for a special treat. She then went inside her house through the backdoor to the kitchen, once she was in the kitchen she saw her idiotic stepsisters and her wicked stepmother all waiting there for their late night tea. Luckily, the tea had already warmed up by someone so she grabbed the kettle and poured some into three china glasses with intricate blue designs surrounding the exterior.
"There you are we were waiting for around five minutes for you to bring that tea in here." Stepmother said disgusted.
"A thousand pardons madam but I was just feeding my horse and the other animals their dinner." Ashley said happily. For she was reminiscing of her dance with the Prince.
"Well at least you were doing something productive for once." This made Ashley's face burn scarlet with anger.
"If you don't mind me asking, how was the ball?" She said frustrated.
"It was terrible, this ratchet bloody girl took all the Prince's attention so we had no luck of swooning him over." Caroline said starting to tear up.
"Although I couldn't blame him, she came in like she owned the place and the fact is no one even knew her name." Khione huffed.
Then the house was silent and Ashley did not move a muscle until they all finished their tea and went up to bed. She stood there for a moment while she thought about the Prince and then cleaned up so she could retire to her bed. Once she was in the attic she was to ecstatic to sleep. So, instead she took out her journal and wrote in there everything that had happened that night as though she might be telling her mother and father the whole story.
By morning the whole house hold was woken up by stepmother's scream and shouting to the girls that since the mystery girl last night had left a cloak made of ash the Royal Family is holding a contest to find the Prince's bride. Ashley dropped her pile of plates and stepmother yelled at her but all Ashley could say confused them all.
"Oh yes, we must get dressed. It won't do any good for the Prince to see me like this." Then she turned around and climbed the many steps to the attic floor and started fumbling around the room looking for the perfect outfit. But once she pulled on the doorknob the door didn't budge.
She pulled again this time even harder. But the door still didn't budge.
"Please, oh you can't do this, please, let me out, let me out!" Ashley cried.
But on the other side of the distressed wooden door, her stepmother grimaced, satisfied that her step daughter was locked away once in for all.
Ashley opened her window and sat on the wide ledge of the windowsill so her back touched the cool rugged brick behind her. She sat there crying and singing in the most clear and beautiful tone no one had heard before. She sang as the Royal Guard came through the Iron Gate but no one payed any attention to her. Why would they? After all everyone thought she was a mistake, that's why they made her their servant.
After a while of sitting there the door swung open and a Lieutenant stood in the door way with Stepmother at his side looking displeased with him.
"See, I told you it's just a servant girl. Though she is my daughter." Stepmother said distastefully.
The young Lieutenant smiled at Ashley and said, "Madam, could you please come with me. The Prince would like to have a word with you."
While Ashley walked over  her Stepmother grabbed her arm forcefully and said in a loud and clear tone, "Remember what you are."
Ash looked forward with a hard expression, "I have always been kind to you no matter how badly you treated me. I will never be your daughter." She said with a hiss.
Lady Raven's face stood there expressionless. Ashley then yanked her arm out of her stepmother's grasp and walk with grace behind the Lieutenant and when he reached the end of the stairs he held out his hand to help her down, like a true gentleman. Then they crossed over to her father's office and realized Prince Edward was standing there.
He stood in the middle of the room gazing upon her as she entered. Edward had his blonde hair combed so you could see the comb marks, like a field that had just been tilled. His crystal blue eyes sparkled with excitement, and he wore his traditional white suit with his gleaming, newly polished black shoes. To Ashley though she thought he looked absolutely handsome.
Prince Edward and Ashley stood there gazing into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. Silence hung in the air and was thick like humidity on the coastline. Then Prince Edward broke the silence.
"It's you," He squeaked.
Ashley gave a little laugh, "Yes, I should hope so."
They both gave a nervous chuckle, "Well we must check, to make sure you're the one we're looking for," Prince Edward smiled energetically.
"And how will this be done?" Ashley asked astonished.
"Well, basically, I put this cloak upon your shoulders and if you get burned then you're not the one but if you don't..." He trailed off.
"Then let's find out shall we." Ashley said confidently.
Prince Edward walked behind her and took out the smoldering cloak. After all that silence all Ashley could hear was the snap and pop of the embers blazing. He took the cloak and bestowed it upon her shoulders, and buttoned it so it would be able to stay in place. Ashley turned around to face him, and gazed into his eyes. They looked at each other and gave one another a faint smile. By now any other person would have been screaming their heads off and blistered all the way up to their ears. But Ashley was different; something happened in that forest that made her different, she didn't understand but neither did the society. Ashley took off the cloak only to reveal that there were no blisters upon her neck and shoulders. She set the cloak on the sofa and turned to face Prince Edward. No words were exchanged, all he did was hug her and looked her straight in the eye to only kiss on instinct. Then they hear a gasp coming from her stepsisters and they pulled away.
Prince Edward offered Ashley his arm, and she gladly took it. They walked out of that house without a care in the world all they needed was each other.
In the weeks following, Ashley's step family was put in prison and was to never bother her again, Ashley's parent's portraits were hung up next to Edward's since his had died as well. Then they had a coronation for Ashley and Edward to become King and Queen, and then they were finally married.
The couple decided to throw a ball for the whole kingdom celebrating their marriage. That night Ashley wore her ball gown that her fairy godmother had given her as a wedding gift to remind Ashley of the night she met her true love. Also her hair was worn down just like that night. Edward wore his everyday outfit of a white suit. The only difference for the both of them was their crowns, Edward wore a traditional gold crown while Ashley wore an emerald green tiara, which set off her eyes. All in all they were seen by the kingdom as the ones who truly made a difference in commoners' lives.
Although, this is the part that is perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take: to be seen as we truly are.

The End!

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