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Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away lived a young peasant girl named Ashley. She was loved by her mother and father, along with all of the household servants. Ashley lived on a farm and her house looked like a castle, one only made from dreams. Her mother and father loved her more than anything, in fact they called her their princess, and a princess she was indeed. Everything she had was her kingdom and in her imagination her kingdom spread to the edge of the forest on the country side. She looked at everything as good as it was or what it could be. But soon sorrow swept her kingdom, as her mother fell ill. The next day after her mother fell ill, a doctor came to check up on Ashley's mother.
"I am afraid I bring terrible news." The told them as he walked out of the study.
Ashley and her father rushed in hoping and praying everything would be alright.
"Ashley, you need to promise me that you will always have courage and be kind, because you have more kindness in your tiniest finger than most people possess in their whole body. Do you promise me, my darling?" Her mother whispered.
"Of course, mother." 
All three of them hugged and once they pulled back Ashley's mother had passed on. This had a huge impact on Ashley's life, even at the age of seven she understood. Ashley kept her promise to her mother, all throughout her life. Once her mother died Ashley took an old book and painted the pages white so they were blank, she called it her journal. Each day since her mother's death she wrote everything that happened each day. Nine years had passed, and Ashley was sixteen. Her skin was a beautiful peach color, her hair was as black as a crow and her eyes were bluer than the sea. Ashley always wore a black dress with sleeves and a beautiful white half apron and soot colored slippers.
One day her father announced he would be remarried, to have his happy ending.
"Don't you still remember mother?" Ashley could not believe what she was hearing.
"Yes, but I believe you need a motherly figure around the house."
"But Nurse is the one who has truly been a mother while you were away for weeks at a time."
"I'm sorry, but this is going to happen. And she has two lovely daughters around your age as well."
Ashley ran upstairs to her room crying, and poured her heart out and wrote to her mother that her father was remarrying.

That was the day that everything had changed...

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