Sexual Endeavours

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Erza Knightwalker POV

I wouldn't say that our 'sexual endeavours' were any more than that. At the very beginning we'd agreed to keep it that way. To never cross the boundaries we'd clearly set up. Outside, in public, I was nothing more than the new first commander and royal adviser to the King. His right hand woman. Pantherlily's replacement... He, himself, was the king and nothing more in my eyes. I'd protect him because he was the ruler of the Kingdom. Whether I liked it or not, I had to follow his orders. In the bedroom, or more specifically, my bedroom, I was the dominant one. I was always in charge. I got to see a whole other side to Jellal. One no one else could nor ever would he allow them to see. I liked that fact, more than I'd care to admit. I was special, in his books, although, I just couldn't make room in mine for him.

"What do you suggest we do?" Hughes questioned the people gathered around the table.

"We could ask...Fairy Tail." Sugarboy suggested.

"No. We can't involve them any further. I thought that maybe my own trusted men would know that." Jellal said, disappointingly.

"Women." Coco coughed, not so subtly.

"Sorry. Let's just suspend the meeting for today. We'll discuss it in further detail tomorrow. You are dismissed." He stood up, getting ready to exit but just before he could I stopped him. At least, after everyone else had left.


"What is it Erza?"

"You've been pretty lax with guards lately. I understand you do this so that you can sneak out but you must also realise that in doing so you open yourself to a potential threat."

"I get it. I'll increase the guards tomorrow. Let's just go to bed, shall we?"

I raised an eyebrow wondering if he really meant right this minute and it seemed he did. "Not tonight. I'm busy."

"Oh really? With what?"

"A matter I'm not willing to disclose just yet."

"Suit yourself Erza. See you tomorrow." He tried to seem happy but I saw his gritted teeth.

"Just, promise me you'll increase the guards. Tonight, even?"

"So you do care?" He smirked and I held back on smacking him right upside the head.

"No, it's more like I care about this kingdom and right now what the kingdom needs is their king no matter how incompetent he may be.

"Yeah, whatever."

As I'd mentioned before, Jellal wants to take this 'relationship', be it may, a little further. After our little 'make out sessions', he often now turned to cuddling till we were both asleep or gentle caressing of face and hair. These, I easily took as signs from our earlier conversation after one of our liaisons.

> > Memory Recall < <



We screamed together as we both reached our climaxes. My body shuddered above him, tightening around his manhood as I squeezed whatever he had left out of him, draining him dry.

I collapsed beside him in a heaving heap, a state I would never want one to see me in, yet I allowed him to. This was most likely the first point in which he wanted to change things. Become more than just sexual but also more...intimate, for lack of word. He flipped us over lazily so he was on top before he craned his head to my neck, licking, biting then kissing soothingly leaving bright red marks along my neck and up to my collarbone, ones that would surely be hard to cover in the morning. This had started around the third time we had our meeting. I had learned then that he had a strange fetish for leaving love bites on ones neck and it was also around this time we'd discovered I was a screamer meaning most of the time his tongue was inside my mouth. He always muffled my screams with a kiss as not to alert the guards or what not.

"Erza...could you...stay with me tonight?"

I remember being puzzled as to why he'd asked that as he continued to mark me and stroke my left breast causing me to hiss as I dug my fingers into his hair.


"Erza, please."

"Sorry, your majesty", I said in a teasing manner although I didn't know back then that he really meant it.

"Goodnight then." He got off me abruptly, making me miss the warmth he provided along with the feel of his tongue against my neck.

"Wait." I found myself talking that day and even up to this point, 6 months later, I still don't know why.

"What is it?" He questioned, putting back on his underwear.

I walked closer reaching out my hand and stopping him midway. I made sure my hand gently stroked against his manhood and had to suppress a smirk as I saw him take in a sharp breath. I got really close to him, a mere milimetre away and stuck my tongue in his open mouth.

Another clue would've been the fact that unlike usual he didn't kiss back immediately but he at least returned the kiss.

I stroked him, causing him to get hard before smiling at the thought of not allowing him the same pleasure once again. Sure he could just jerk off but we both knew it just wasn't as good as having someone else do it for you.

I parted the kiss with a trail of our intertwined saliva hanging between us. I leaned in to his left ear and whispered as sexily as I could. "See you tomorrow then?" I allowed myself the joy of smirking from his shivering form before licking his ear lobe rendering him speechless. I already knew his answer would've been a yes but even so I was just not willing to take the chance.

As I snuck out from his room I heard him whisper which only caused me to smirk more. "That sadistic little bitch."

> > Memory over < <

I woke up the next day with shock written all over my face as I ran through the halls towards the main hall. Waking up I could hear the buzz and eagerness, even, insecurity in my guards voices. Each of them trying to explain what was happening but not quite managing to do so as they took shaky breaths. It didn't take me long to figure out though even if the only two words I understood was 'King' and 'assassin'. I had warned him yet he wouldn't pay heed to my words just because of his own personal problems. "Tomorrow", he said, but thinking it through now, he may not have even been there for 'tomorrow'.

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