chill day

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Nicks P.O.V. Me and Ryan were cuddling on his couch for 2 hours straight "kissies?" he said to me getting closer I leaned in..."Nope" I said as I turned my head away "hey! Please?" he Said and did a puppy dog face I just had to I kissed him and he smiled "thankies" he said smiling and squeezing me "what has gotten into you" I think a toddler has gotten into Ryan tbh "what do u mean daddy?" I almost laughed did he just call me daddy? And I also saw what he was wearing a rainbow dash tee shirt polka dot pajama bottoms "Dada me thirsty. Apple juice in a sippy cup plz"he said I didn't know what was going on but I like it! "Ok baby" I walked to the kitchen and. Saw a bunch of sippy cups and  pacifiers in the cabinets these weren't here before...I got a sippy cup out and got Apple juice "warm it pweez" he said in a baby voice it was so cute I warmed it in the microwave "here you go lil cutie"I gave him the sippy cup and started to sip "thanks dada".A\N WILL RYAN BE STUCK LIKE THIS FOREVER OR IS IT JUST A FAZE? WHAT DO U GUYS THINK?

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