The Dreadful Vacation

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This is my first story. I hope you like it. Tell me if it's good, or if it needs something. Please don't get mad at me if I don't upload for a few days! Im not always around a computer and the one at my house is really slow so i'll try the best i can! :]

Chapter 1

I sighed as the 1500 red Dodge truck twisted and turned with the sharp curves of the road! I'm really glad that I didn't get car/motion sick, because anyone that did and was on this road I know would definitely blow chunks everywhere! XP

My family-my mom, dad, and older sister-and I were going on vacation. It was June 5th and we had just got out from school. The sun was shining in my eyes even though I had my black sunglasses with diamonds on the temples. My eyes are really, really sensitive and the sun hurt them!

No matter where I went I had to make sure that I had my sunglasses with me for protection or I couldn't go out of the house! So you can bet I was 100% against this whole trip after I'd found out that not only were we going to the beach, but we were staying in a beach house for three weeks!

This was my absolutely last idea for my summer vacation! I loved swimming, but I hated the sun! It's not like I needed any more sun anyway! Every time I went out at least two people ask me if I'm mixed and I say no, I'm Puerto Rican.

Okay I'm not fully Puerto Rican, but my mom is from Puerto Rico and well my dad is from Chicago. I really don't remember how they met, but I think it had something to do with dad being on some trip. After they were married they moved to Orlando.

So they thought that since we loved the water so much that we would drive about three and a half hours to go to Miami to the beach! Yay! Why'd we have to live so dang close to the beach?! I totally would've objected to the idea if I wasn't like only four! And back then I actually loved the sun!

"Aw come on Nikki! Stop sulkin'!" Jen's voice interrupted my rant. She was looking at me with her pretty ocean blue eyes and was giving me her award winning smile. She punched my shoulder, it wasn't a hard punch, but I had a bruise there and it really hurt. I tried not to flinch.

"Jen, you know how I get when im in the sun!" I frowned and pushed my Gucci glasses up to make my point clearer. Unlike me Jen-for some reason-loved the sun and actually hated the water! We loved all the same things unless it came to the sun and the water!

"Nikki, really what's the problem? You have your shades on!" She gestured to my Shades. Jen and I were different when we got in the sun! Jen tanned and when I got in the sun I just burned! It really hurt too!

I think part of it is because of how we look! Jen had dark brown hair, sky blue eyes that darkened whenever she was in the sun to a topaz blue. She really was as dark as me-and didn't get as many "compliments" as me-, but she was still dark.

On the other hand I had like dirty blonde hair. My eyes were like a smokey gray and whenever Im in the water they look more black or a granite. And like I said earlier I look like a dark mixed person. I think the biggest part of my burning is because of my hair. Idk?! :/

"I don't care! Im defiantly not leavin' the house the whole time we're there!" I crossed my arms and my legs. Then I looked out the window at the passing by forest. "There's my vacation! If only the beach had some trees then we'd be in business!"

Of course I said the last part under my breath because if Jen heard me then she would've started a huge debate about it saying that palm trees are trees! One time she had made a huge deal about it and debated about it for two hours, straight! Never again!

"You are such a total tom!" Jen rolled her eyes at me, but then she turned and looked out her window at the forest on her side. "It is pretty! Well in its own dirty bug infested kinda way!" She sounded sorta grossed out, but she smiled.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 22, 2010 ⏰

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The Dreadful Vacationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें