"C'mon." I stated before climbing out of the car.

"Where are we going?" He asked, still buckled into his seat.


That was the end of that conversation as he rushed to get out and follow me and at some point he probably looked up but we were already too close to the hotel for him to see what the sign read or what he was clearly walking into until we were already inside and I had a vice-like grip on my arm.

"Ramos, I paid for two rooms this morning and I'd like to talk to one of the residents if you don't mind." I could feel Tony struggling beside me but he wasn't going to get away that easily as I tightened my grip, if that were possible, and gave the receptionist a huge smile as she read off my name for the two rooms and asked for ID. I'd clearly left my purse in the car and mentally groaned when I was forced to let go of Tony. 

"I need to go get my purse out of the car. I'll be right back." I then began to speed walk out of the hotel and went straight to my car that may or may not be parked illegally and hit the unlock button on the key to get inside. I grabbed the black purse that sat in between the seats and rushed back in to see Tony surprisingly still standing at the receptionist desk, eyes on the desk itself as he waited there and I had to approach him slowly to make sure it wasn't because he was waiting to choke me. 

He didn't move a muscle when I came to stand right next to him and when I passed the woman my license and debit card he merely watched on in silence. 

"I was just telling your brother about how I love his movies!" The receptionist chirped. So that's why he couldn't get away. My brother may not seem it but he's a very polite and humble man and he couldn't walk away from one of his fans, and of course if she knew him then she knew me because last year and the year before that - when the nasty divorce was being filed - I'd found myself standing next to him in my best and most expensive piece of clothing and smiling a nervous smile while they snapped pictures of the 'Ramos Trio' as magazines had deemed us. Nick had also showed up for the moral support, irritated to find himself on the other side of the camera, but he stood there none the less. The two of us stood on either side of our brother practically keeping him together as people shoved cameras in our faces and practically blinded us as we moved down that carpet.

Something made me wonder if we'd be doing the same thing the next time as Tony and I stepped into the elevator and let only the elevator music break the silence as we approached the fifth floor. Apparently Brian was in room 206 and Melanie was in room 214. I practically tugged Tony down the hall but when we finally did make it to the door he stilled himself like an unmovable object. I ignored the dilemma of my brother's stubborness and turned to knock on the door first and when the ass didn't answer, I shoved the key card that the receptionist had granted me into the door and opened it to find him laying across one of the beds with a slice of pizza seated on his stomach and his head lolled over to the side as the TV played in the background of this typical scene.

I stole the pillow from under him and smacked him until he was awake and staring at me wild eyed.


"Tony wants to talk to you."

"Who?" He looked up to see Tony loitering in the doorway, in a different outfit than when he'd first seen him but the man still looked the same so I was sure he could recognize him.

"Anthony Ramos, the movie producer." I answered him and was slightly surprised when the man didn't click back into character. This scenario always happened on TV and liars would always try and continue their lie until it was proven that they were lying or that the gist was up. This liar seemed ready to quit before it even began as he tossed the pizza into the nearby garbage and pushed himself up from the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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