Chapter 4

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There comes a time in every girl's life where she finds herself gawking at some other human being's body parts in awe and wonder of how the hell could they be so wonderful. That time for me came when I was a freshmen in high school and found myself walking by the boys locker room only to have David Lachowski walk out in nothing but a pair of shorts and tennis shoes after a long day of basketball practice. His body was still streaked with sweat as he caught my eye and all I could do was try not swallow my tongue as I held in all the drool that would otherwise be dripping down my chin at that moment.

Somehow John seemed to shatter this image and make it seem like what it was - a school girl moment. There was no facing the real experience when you were terrible with other human beings like I was so when times like this and back in the gym happened I couldn't really fathom why these things happened to me. There he was seated on my bed in nothing but his pride and all I could do was stare before turning back to a pouting Tony who looked about done with all of this shit as he leaned against the entrance of my doorway, eyes on the man on my bed who was now sipping his coffee and staring at me.

"Where's Melanie and -?" I cut him off before Tony could snap out of his calm moment and probably snap my neck at the mention of the guy who he was apparently interested in. Hearing that I'd checked his little crush into a hotel wouldn't stop the little fight that was no doubt not over.

"They checked themselves into a hotel so that Tony and I could work. Matter-of-fact, you should probably join them!" I rushed over to his side and commenced to try and pull him up without really thinking and when he was standing both Tony and I were graced with a site that wasn't intentional but was there all the same and I could feel Tony tug me back and place a hand across my eyes no doubt eye communicating with John. Oh my God.

"I'll bring you back something to wear from my place. Samantha and I are taking a ride." I knew that if he'd used my full name that I'd managed to agitate the man close to his breaking point and that he was no doubt going to yell his freaking head off. 

So as soon as he managed to maneuver me through my living room and get me out to my car, my purse from the coffee table under his arm as he shoved me inside, all I could do was pray that Brian wasn't a complete and total dickbag because I don't think poor Anthony can take much more. I slid into the driver's side and slammed the door before turning on the car light and beginning to desperately rummage through my bag for my keys. During the struggle of it all I saw a glint of light out of my peripheral and looked up see Tony dangling my keys between his fingers with a thoughtful look on his face.

"So you weren't lying." He stated after a while and I could only shake my head to which he sighed what I guess was a resigned sigh. I could tell that he still wasn't quite believing what he was hearing but the fact that he was giving the thought a shot was good enough for me.

"I was really hoping that this was someone who wouldn't lie to me." He said, leaning back in his seat and getting into that position that meant eternal sulking if you were Tony. It was the same position he got in when he heard that he was being taken to the dentist/doctor or that we were going to our grandparent's house. Of course him being the middle child it was a very subtle type of sulk that you wouldn't really know the difference unless you were apart of his close family. Unfortunately for him, I was his older sister and I knew that sulk very well.

"Would you have believed the man if he'd told you that he was the character that he was trying out for? You would have thought he was lying and wouldn't have given him a shot in the first place and don't give me that damn look because you know good and well you wouldn't have." I snapped before snatching my keys, shoving them into the ignition, and revving the engine. 

Surprisingly our drive through the city was quiet as Tony stared out of the passenger's side window and I could tell he had a lot on his mind considering he didn't notice me pulling up to the tall building with a lit sign that said Murray Hotel. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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