Meeting New Allies

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First, you guys have no idea how long I wanted this chappie to happen...😁

And second, I have another chappies I want to publish but I'll have to wait...T^T

Third and last, I need votes! Literally,
Or else I'm gonna lose the competition...
That's all!


Oh no.

Oh No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no

Nooooooooooooooo! !!!!

Fancy tables.
Amazing and mouth watering foods.
Fancy people.
Spoiled brats.
Kids around my age wearing fancy attires.
Waiters and Waitresses.

This is a BANQUET?!

"Oh Annie," I said with a smile
"Why didn't you told ME, that there is a banquet happening...?" Still smiling

"Well it slipped my mind, why?" She said
"Because I totally wouldn't go back here,
And stayed over at Cris'
You know very well that I hate fancy parties!
Right? RIGHT?!" I said, my smile turning to a scary one

"A-ah I - I'm v-very sorry Zay Zay,
I didn't know..." she uttered apologising

Zay Zay? I think I've heard that before....

"It's okay Annie, you didn't know...but next time, there will be no excuses! Kay?" I said
"Yes boss!" She replyed

*An Enternity later*

"We made it!" I said in expersation
"Great job, Zayne!" Annie said panting

"Now let's go inside and make you at least a girl," She continued
"So I don't look like a girl...what's the problem in that? I feel awesome anyways!" I said
"Hush. I'm gonna make you look like a princess! And I'm sure all of their jaws will drop when they see you!" She assured me

*After another Enternity later*

"Looks like you don't need make-up,
Your beauty is natural...wouldn't want to ruin it, but let's just put on some lipgloss!" She said

"Ahh...and here I thought you were gonna cake my face," I said happily
"But all I did was take a long,long,loong bath"

"Lavander Candles?" Annie said
"Check" I followed
"Rose petals?"
"Bubbly tub?"
"Scented Shampoo& Conditioner?"
"Bubblegum - Scented soap?"
"And last but not the least, Zayne?"
"And Check!"

"Why do I need these, anyway?" I asked
"So you'd smell wonderful, and trust me this is very relaxing"

End of Flashback (I'm too lazy to continue-_-)

"Well it was worth-it..."
She said.
"Now c'mon! Try this on" she said while handing me a blue and white dress

"Okay, wait for me...and while you do, try finding some shoes to match" I told her
"Okay!" She beamed

I walked inside the bathroom to change,
Then I walked out (walked out? Seriously? Who am I an actress?)

"Kyaa!!! You look so kawaii, you're like a miniature alice in wonderland...With black hair that is!" She said
I checked myself out in the full sized mirror
And she's right the dress is kinda like alice,
But to say the truth, this one is even better!

"You're right Annie," I said
"Oh I know! Now c'mon, your father might be looking for you!" She said
"Okay!" I said and onward we go...

*At the Banquet*

The Tomboy's Crush ~(#ABA2017)~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें