Chapter 12

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While Dean was wondering what  was going to happen in terms of that interview, Shane McMahon was on a plane bound for Stafford, Connecticut after Smackdown Live had ended wondering the same thing.

He knew that Kristie would want to do an interview of her own to counter the one Vinnie had done with Renee.

The issue was which TV show would be interested in doing it. As far as Shane was concerned, the Today  show was out.

That only left two options. CBS This Morning & Good Morning America.

Both shows were great. It was deciding which one Kristie would want to be on was the question. Shane pondered that as well.

After his plane landed, he got in his rental car & drove to his father's home where he intended to try & talk to him about the Ambush Match.

As soon as he got there, Shane was warmly greeted by his father, Vince McMahon, who still looked like he could kick ass in the ring. However, recent health issues had forced him to have to give more responsibility to not only Shane but also to Stephanie & her husband, Triple H as well as others who had been a part of the WWE for many years.

Vince could see the troubled look on his son's face as soon as both were inside the house.

"Something's troubling you, son. Am I right?" asked Vince as he took a sip of coffee. Shane nodded.

"It's what Nikki Bella did, isn't it?" asked Vince. Shane nodded again.

"Why, Dad?" asked Shane. Vince just looked at him sadly.

"She threatened to quit if I didn't override you & Daniel on making that match happen," said Vince. "When I watched it, I immediately regretted it. I knew that I shouldn't have allowed her to fool me like that, & I feel horrible for the young lady who lost. I know that you & Daniel have incredible faith in her."

Shane was at least relieved that he had gotten the answer he needed from his father concerning the Ambush Match.

Now there was something else he needed to take care.

After chatting with his father on some lighter subjects for a while, Shane left & got on a plane bound for Miami where that Tuesday's Smackdown Live was going to take place.

While airbourne, Shane grabbed his phone & made an important phone call.

He called the producers of Good Morning America.


Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, Kristie was in the kitchen making pancakes for herself & Dean when she heard her iPhone vibrate. She got curious.

When she saw Shane McMahon's name on her caller ID, she picked up quickly.

"Got news for you, my friend," he said. "What is it?" asked Kristie. Shane then explained what his father had told him about Nikki threatening to quit if she didn't get the Ambush Match.

"Damn," muttered Kristie as she flipped her third pancake. "I know, right? He really regrets it," said Shane.

As she poured a little more batter into the griddle, Dean came downstairs.

As soon as she saw him, she put Shane on speaker.

"So what about my match against Nikki? When will it happen?" asked Kristie. "This coming Tuesday in Miami on Smackdown Live. I haven't told Nikki yet," said Shane.

"Got something else for you as well, Kristie," said Shane. "What?" asked Krisite with Dean standing near with his arm around her waist.

Shane finally asked the question. The important one.

"Do you want to be interviewed on Good Morning America?"

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