Chapter 3

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With iPad in hand, Edie & her friend Sam pitched their idea of wanting Kristie & her sister Jenna on the cover of SI's swimsuit issue to the editors.

They figured that it would be a tough sell.

They had no idea how hard it really would be.

"Well, we were actually considering the Bella Twins. Brie & Nikki are still in the public eye because of their reality shows," said one editor named Mr. Thomas. Edie just shook her head.

"I understand that, sir, but think about it. Total Divas is going to be cancelled after this season," said Edie. "Plus Total Bellas recently ended so I just don't think the Bella Twins would be a great fit for this swimsuit issue. I think they're done."

Sam then decided to chime in.

"Think about it though," said Sam. "Kristie V is new to the WWE & is considered a rising star. I mean, she already has a championship under her belt, & the fans just love her. I've been to one of their events, & she gets more of a positive crowd reaction then just about everybody except for maybe Dean Ambrose."

Mr. Thomas & the other editors looked at each other & then at Sam & Edie. 

Then another one spoke.

"We'll consider it, but we need to get some shots of them first before we make a decision," said Mr. Aaron.

Sam & Edie smiled. They promised to do that & got themselves to work.


A day later, Dean & Kristie were getting ready to start the drive to Salt Lake City for Smackdown Live. As they started the drive along Interstate 15, she felt her phone vibrate.

"Wonder if that's Jenna," said Kristie who was used to getting the occasional text message from her sister while on the road. 

She read the text message carefully. Dean noticed that her eyes were getting big.

"What's  wrong, babe?" he asked. She just stared at him in disbelief.

"You're starting to worry me, Kris," he said.

Then Kristie found her voice.

"Jenna just got an offer from Sports Illustrated," she said. "Yeah? That's great, babe. What for?" asked Dean who got along great with Jenna, who had become like a sister to him.

"The swimsuit issue," said Kristie. "That's awesome. That's been a dream of hers, hasn't it?" he asked. She just nodded.

Dean, however, suspected that there was more to this then what Kristie was saying.

"Is there a catch, babe?" he asked. She nodded in response.

"What is it then?" he asked. "Are you sure you want to hear this, Jon?" she asked.

He nodded & braced himself for the answer.

"They want me to be a part of it," she said.

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