"I'm sorry, Scarlett." Calum's voice came through the door, he slipped in and I could tell he was laughing, his face was a bright red. "You look lovely though." He smiled, looking me up and down.

"Get out." I smacked his hand away from my bum, and shoved him out.

"We only have thirty minutes until we need to leave; Amaya is going with us too." He yelled from the other end of the door. I hit my head on the mirror in frustration, like that'll do me any good. I fixed my face from the earlier events and finished my makeup, some-what satisfied with how it looked I ran out of the bathroom, grabbing my shoes, I strapped them on and ran out with my cello. "You look nicer with your whole outfit complete." Calum flirted, I hit him and then got in the car with Amaya.

"You look lovely, Amaya." I smiled at his sister, she's always quiet in orchestra. I've heard her play a few times before when we have our playing assesments, and she's really good. When the first viola leaves next year she'll take over.

"Thank you, you do too, Scarlett." She replied quietly, she's shy, unlike her brother who's very, outspoken.


We arrived at the concert hall the school has rented out for the final concert of the season, to say the least it was very large. The nerves settled in as I saw all of the college conductors arrive. I was walking towards Calum when a massive flock of soccer players flooded around him, asking him what he was doing there. His face twisted and turned pale; were his friends in for a treat tonight. "Hello, I'm George Mason, conductor of the New York University symphony, I'm excited to hear you play tonight, Ms. Dawson." She stuck his hand out for me to shake, I shook it back and he left me standing there, to meet a line of other conductors. I was in awe to say the least.

"Calum!" I whisper-shouted to the boy who was vigorously tapping on his legs, his leg bouncing up and down. His eyes were big, and he had his lower lip in his teeth.


"There's so many conductors out there! They're excited to hear us play, Cal!" I used a nickname I've heard people call him by, his lips curved into a smile, his shoulders relaxing and his hand and leg quit moving.

"Really?" He looked shocked, after-all; we are just two kids who happen to be musically gifted as people say. "I guess you better do good." He smiled, Ms. Pierre ran in, ushering us out of the rehersal room and out onto the stage.

calum's pov

Scarlett left with the rest of the orchestra to go out onto the stage. Amaya walked out with Scarlett, I remember the first time I heard about Scarlett was when Amaya was a freshman and we were sophmores and she came home, amazed at her talent, which drove her to perfect her instrument known as the viola. Then when she had her first concert she pointed her out, at the time Scarlett had braces and shoulder length hair which was blonde, I presume it is her natural color since Violet's hair is blonde and she's never dyed it. Sophmore year is also the year I started to talk to Violet, then junior year we started havving hook-ups, that's when I realized that Scarlett and Violet are twins.

I walked towards the stage entrance, waiting for my que to go on after their first song, "Welcome everyone to the Spring Concert!" Ms. Pierre's voice echoed through a microphone, applause followed after her welcoming, "I'm so honored to have taught these students throughout the year, and it is hard to say goodbye to some of our seniors, who will be performing solos tonight, you're all in for a treat might I add." She added humor to her speech, the audience laughed, I found myself laughing aswell. "without further ado, I present the New York Community school symphony orchestra!" The audience clapped as the light shone on the students, the section leaders bowed to the audience and sat down. "For our first piece we will be playing Valse Sentimentale, our concert mistress, Tiffany will be playing the violin solos." The audience silenced, as the orchestra shuffled around and got ready to play.

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