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the chief cause of unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now.

-Zig Ziglar

ELLINOR FELT LOST in the small hallways of the school she used to love

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ELLINOR FELT LOST in the small hallways of the school she used to love.

The small lockers staining the pale walls of Nissen with a sad blue, the sight was just very gloomy and made her feel more distressed to be in the place she felt was now a necessity more than a place that for some is enjoyable.

Ellinor was tired of the people in the sad hallways, all spreading the toxic lies and rumors. Rumors seemed to spread like the plague, each minute a new person knew and soon the whole school would know.

It saddened her that her own friends were that way, she felt like everyone was the same, they depended on what other said and would just agree to whatever people agreed to. It was as if no one had a different opinion but her.

"Ellinor you were zoning out here," Nikolai said to the distracted girl.

She looked up at her blond friend, a frown upon her face.

"I'm sorry," was all that came out of her.

Ellinor was not depressed, no she was quite happy actually, she just couldn't be proud or happy to be at school.

"What were you thinking about anyways?" Nikolai stuffed his hands in the pockets of his black adidas joggers.

"Just about that rumor spreading again, the one about Chris and this girl hooking up."

To this Nikolai raised an eyebrow, why did she care about that?

"Uh, why?"

She sighed and entered the math classroom which she was heading to in the first place.

"How can people be so sure it actually happened? It's not like there was any witnesses, because as far as I know there were none," she said setting down her bag and taking a seat next to her best friend.

Soon their discussion was cut short by the lesson starting. Yet Ellinor still kept her question in the back of her mind.

After a long hour of the teacher rambling about stupid equations and such it was finally time for Ellinor to have a break from work and submit to her eager stomach and have lunch.

However as soon as she came out of her class she ran into a tall figure who was all too familiar to her.

Chris Schistad stood in front of her.

A quiet apology was murmured by the small girl who's cheeks were red of embarrassment.

Chris was one of those people she didn't understand, and most rumors running around the school were about him. As bad as it is she believed those rumors about him, even though it contradicted everything she believed, she could not help but believe some of it was true.

And so that is why she truly wanted nothing from Chris, she would be thankful if he said nothing and just left.

But that wish was not granted to her as he just stayed there and watched as she picked up the papers that fell out of her binder.
It may not have been words coming out of his mouth but he still was standing there.

Once Ellinor had gathered all her work she quickly stood up and awkwardly stood still waiting for something to happen.

Please leave, she pleaded.

And this time he left, but not without smirking at her beforehand.

She suddenly could breath again and so she made her way to the locker, the clock indicating that the two were standing there for approximately 10 minutes and that her friends were most likely wondering where she was.

"Hi!" a girl voice said from behind her.

Grabbing her lunch and closing the locker quickly, she then turned around to look at who the voice belonged to.

And there stood Vilde.

"Hello..?" Ellinor was confused to say the least, her greeting sounding more like a question than it should.

"I couldn't help but ask if you were in a bus yet? If not would you be willing to join one?" Vilde smiled at the brunette.

Ellinor thought about it, she never really paid attention to it but maybe it could help her bring back her joy of being in this place.

"Yeah, sure," she told Vilde who in return gave her information about who was in the bus and everyone's numbers.

And as she got in the lunchroom she slowly walked up to her friends

"Guys you'll never guess who got asked to join a bus!" She said a smile on her face.

The only people she could truly trust as of now were Nikolai and Jasper.

"Let me guess.. you?" Jasper said sarcastically.

She stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed in return.

"Who asked you?" Nikolai asked with a mouthful of his sandwich.

She scolded him about it before answering his question.

Both of her friends looked at her.
"Cool." They said in sync.

She was about to answer her friends when the school bell rang.

Ellinor realized she still had not eaten anything so she ate her apple on her way to class.

Right as she set foot in the class she went to check her snapchat.

She looked at who added her and her eyes widened at who's name popped up on top of the list.


Chris Schistad
added you by username

And then she did what she then thought wouldn't change her life.

She added him back.


okay so like, bare with me this is only the beginning so this chapter won't be super interesting but i promise the next one will be much better!

So yeah lol tell me if you can't understand a word i'll help you out but it should be okay.

*drops mic*

SNAPCHAT : Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now