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These are the 15 elements of Aura.

Fire-They can produce heat and flames.

Water-They have slight control over rain, as well as power over water.

Air-Create winds, move air, and float.

Earth-They can manipulate the ground, and help keep others on it.

Life-They can heal slightly, cause plants to grow, and restore life at the cost of their own.

Dark-They can control shadows, and are naturally clever.

Light-Refract light to make illusions or become invisible.

Ice-Produce cold air and freeze some things.

Thunder-They can easily make static and electricity, as well as slightly control lightning strikes.

Emotion-They can cause others to feel a different emotion.

Time-Can see a few seconds forward or backwards in time, as well as occasionally see glimpses of the far future. *

Space-Teleportation and knows where they are, no matter what. *

Form-They can reweave auras into different forms temporarily, such as shapeshift. *

Soul-They house the souls of mystical creatures. *

Divinity-Chosen by the goddess, they have all elements, excluding soul. **

* - PM me for information and permission.

**-Closed until further notice.

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