Chapter Three

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It took the boys almost two weeks to figure out where the witch was staying. At least, where they thought she was staying. They were planning on scoping out the house that night after dark,so that left almost the whole day for Dean and Cas go on a supply run to the next town over.

Dean had decided a few days into the hunt that he didn't want to ignore Cas like he planned. What he hadn't decided was how to actually tell Cas, because words and feelings weren't really his thing. So he settled on shamelessly flirting with Cas and hoping he caught on. What he didn't realize was that Cas had caught on, just the angel thought Dean's flirting was just a joke he was using to pass the time.

And that's what happened through the store- Dean would flirt, Cas would blush, Dean would flirt, Cas would question if it was real, Dean would flirt, Cas would flirt back, Dean would blush, and the cycle continued. At this point in the trip, Dean was running out of normal flirting methods, so he decided to try out the best (worst) pickup lines he could remember.

"You're eyes are bluer than this Windex."

"I've noticed."

"So Cas what's on the menu tonight? I was thinking me 'n you."

"Dean, you wrote down burgers and pie was for dinner. I was looking forward to your burgers."

"Right. Well, were your parents bakers because you're certainly a cutie pie."

"You know my Father is God. He was not a baker to my knowledge."

"Well, someone better call your dad because it looks like heaven's missing an angel."

"I think he is aware of my fall Dean."

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Quite a bit, but not as much as dragging you out of hell."

"But it was worth it, right, Cas?"

"You will always be worth it to me, Dean. Always. "

The hunter and the angel kept going back and forth, unaware they were being watched.

"They would be such a cute couple!! Maybe I should just give them a little push towards each other." She waited a few minutes more to watch before she pulled the hex bag out of her pocket. Before the two left the store, she would place it in their car. Then, she would make sure they got that push they needed. She was beginning to think they might become her new favorite couple in her collection.

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