chapter 13

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Jungkooks pov

Yoongi - so how did you and sana meet?

Jungkook - I transferred to her school and then we falled in love, but hyung can u tell me how you and Nayeon noona meet?

Oh I'm having a lunch with Yoongi because he said that we should take a talk sometimes so it become today, since I didn't make friends efter I transferred here hes my first friend here and he have hard to make new friends but we to become friends quickly.

Yoongi - well she was at the mall then I saved her from falling and I guss that that made us falling to each other.

Jungkook - that way more romantic that our story

Yoongi - it doesn't matter how you meet just the love, you still jave much to learn kid

Jungkook - yaa hyung don't call me kid, I'm almost at you age you just 2 years older than me.

Yoongi - sure what ever kid

Jungkook - hyung!!!

We both started to laugh

Yoongi - I'm happy that we become friends

Jungkook - me to

Yoongi - next time let me introduce you to my best friend

Jungkook - hope he is younger than me so he can't call me kid

Yoongi - we see kid, bye

Jungkook - bye

I left after I finished my drink and then a called sana

Sana - hiii kookie

Jungkook - my sunshine I miss you sooo soooo much

Sana - m sweety I miss you to but we were just taking a five minutes break from the mv filming.

Jungkook - when you have a day off you must be with my the hole day, ok

Sana - of course kookie, oh bye I must go they calling for me now bye

Jungkook - bye

So what I'm am going to do?

I'm calling mom

Mom - my sweet little kookie

Jungkook - hi mom I must tell you that when we meet yg he said that he waned me to do an audition and I did one for about two weeks ago

Mom - AAAAAAA my son is getting big

Jungkook - so if I get accepted you and dad will support me?

Mom - why shouldn't we doing that?

Jungkook - thanks mom and don't tell sana I want to keep that a secret

Mom - alright I won't tell her

Jungkook - bye mom

Mom - bye

Sorry guys last night when I was writing this I fell asleep
And I really tired because of school so I will only post two chapters on a week

Sarange <3

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