Chapter 16

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It was late and Klyde had not return home from work, Lydia and the baby had already gone to bed. Klyde's brother was watching television when he came home. Lydia was not asleep she was thinking a lot of what she had heard.
"Where is Lydia?" Klyde asked.
"On her bed," His brother replied.
Klyde went in to wake Lydia, but she won't budge, he heard her snifles and asked her what was wrong, she did not answer.
After a few tries he finally gaved up and went back to the living room, he asked his brother what was wrong with Lydia if he knows at all. His brother watched him with fury in his eyes.
"Your secret is out," he said.
"What do you mean, my secret is out," Klyde asked.
"I mean Lydia knows about the woman you brought home to see mom," Klyde's brother said.
"Who told her," Klyde asked in frustration,
"I don't know, she won't tell me. Hope you can fix this one," his brother said.
Klyde's brother was mad at him, for doing this to her. Lydia did not understand why he was so mad at his brother.
"Probably he's different than the rest of them." she thought.
Klyde was worried, he wasn't sure what to say to Lydia. He had his dinner and a bath, then joined Lydia on the bed. Rather than asking her what was wrong, he started explaining and making excuses for his actions. He did not just explain what happened before, he explained that it was over.
He said that they were just friend's, nothing happened so stop worrying.
All this time Lydia said nothing' she just remained quiet with slight sobs. After some time of hearing him babble, Lydia asked him, if they were just friends why didn't he tell her about her.
Klyde started to get angry for a moment saying, that Lydia was taking this too far, he needed her to drop the subject. But Lydia did not led up, she needed answers.
Klyde's brother stepped in the argument and told them that they should stop the argument before they both end up saying things they don't mean, that they should go to bed and finish this speak with this woman and probably letting her have it, but after hearing her side of her story, Lydia felt sorry for her. There's no way Lydia believed her about their relationship, but Lydia was too soft hearted to argue with a woman who has been in an abusive relationship.
Lydia prayed, she left it up to God to fix this life she's living, with Klyde.
Lydia just went on living life as it came, one day at a time. She did not complain for most of what she had was Klyde and her son. There were times when she would see a difference in his behavior, in the way he moved towards her. He distance himself from her, that's when she would fold herself up on her bed and cried herself to sleep, without saying a word to him. She knew by speaking to him, that would just start an argument that would lead him to blame her anyway. So she thought it better to remain quiet.
After a few months had passed, Klyde started getting lots of phone calls at home, he would reach for the phone before Lydia can answer. This happened a few times well, which made Lydia quite curious and worried at the same time.
One day he got a phone call on his cell which he forgot to take with him as he went off o do some gardening behind the house. Lydia answered and a strange woman answered saying that she would like to speak to Klyde. Lydia knew that no one on work knew or called him by his name, so she asked this woman who she was.
She said that she was just a friend, she started to make a fuss at Lydia's questions. Lydia told her who she was and the woman got angry and started cursing and asked Lydia to give Klyde a message, 'please call her', and left a name.
Lydia gaved Klyde the message and he got angry, saying that he told her not to call him. Lydia asked him who was that and all he said was that she was a girl he met while travelling. That she seemed like a psychopath, he spoke to her once or twice and he said , she seems to be stalking him. He said he regrets giving her his phone number.
What Lydia was hearing is that he was making excuses after excuses, she did not believe a word that came out of his mouth.
This went on for a while, women calling all the time. Some of them assumed that he did not have a wife or child, cause he would say to them that he is single.
She told Klyde of each and every call she got, they would argue, sometimes cursed her out, but she knew what to expect. He would not speak to her for days, then suddenly he would appear as if everything is going so well, making her feel that she was and is everything to him.
Was this a game or is this how he is...

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