The Life of Lydia Nickson

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A small introduction to my dear readers, The Life of Lydia Nickson is based on a true life story. The only part of this story that is fiction, is the name of the people. I did not mention the true names of the characters due to the fact that I don't want anyone to think that I put them on the spot. One other reason for writing this book about what Lydia had to endure, was that, I won't like that to happen to any body else and that Lydia would remain strong as I know her to be. Well dear readers, hope you find my book interesting.

Chapter 1

The sight of Lydia"s common-law husband touching this other woman, her sister-in-law, her youngest brothers wife, who just got married, less than two months ago.
This said day, Lydia was chatting with her mom Maggie, Maggie's husband, Lydia's dad passed just two months ago. It was a very sad time for them all, especially Lydia, it was a bit horrifying, she had to live with the fact of watching her dad take his last breath.
As they were chatting, Lydia and her mom, her common-law husband Klyde, came to ask a question. Just as he was leaving, Lydia got this weird thought to follow him. So she did, just to find him in the room of her sister-in-law. Lydia's sister-in-law and youngest brother lives with Lydia's mom, they stays in the room at the back of the house.
Klyde was fondling her, when Lydia called out to him, he stormed out and went home. Even though Lydia tried calling out to him to stop, he didn't though. Lydia was so distorted, frozen still, confusion was burning through her mind, her heart, her inner being, but as strong as I know Lydia to be, she gathered the courage and strength to confront Sindy, her sister-in-law, as to what was actually happening here.
Sindy was scared, stuttering as she answered. When Lydia asked her what was he doing there, she said with a disturbed voice, that she didn't know that he was there and that she did not have time with him. Maggie stood there saying nothing.
Lydia told her what she saw, how disgusting it was to see, them, together,
"How could she stoop so low, she just got married for Pete's sake!" Lydia exclaimed.
Lydia's phone rang, Klyde was calling, asking her to come home and not make a scene. Lydia couldn't believe what she was hearing,
"I'm not creating a scene, it's them that caused a scene, it just blew up in their faces". Lydia told her mom.
Lydia did go home, just to hear what Klyde had to say.
When confronted, all Klyde said was, "Nothing happened, we was just talking".
He said nothing after that, that's what he does when ever he does anything wrong. When Lydia told him what she saw him doing, he said nothing, he was as quiet as a mouse.
Lydia couldn't handle the silence, so she turned around, took her phone and umbrella and walked out. She had to get her head together, to think, the only place to go would be at the house that they were building not to far from where they live.
This was so horrific, so unbelievable, it tore Lydia's peace, her inna-peace, her trust, that she worked so hard to give. She don't seem to know how to think, every time she closes her eyes, it's all she see. What can Lydia do to escape these hurtful sights, these feelings, the hurt.
How is she going to face the kids, her brother, what if he finds out about this? He's got a terrible temper, no one can calm him down.
All she feels to do at this moment is scream. She wished to go somewhere, anywhere, where there's no one, so when she screams no one would hear her.
Lydia somehow puts on a calm and gentle face in front of everyone, she always does. One day, I'm afraid she's going to break, break bad, that scares me. What's going to happen to her then, would she loose her mind, her sanity.
At this point in Lydia's life, lots of weird stuff goes through her mind, for example, she just feels like strangling him, just beat them both, let them feel the hurt that she's feeling right now, just to make them feel pain, which is quite impossible with Lydia, she's just not an aggressive person.


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